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<script>on mouseUpif word 1 of line 1 of cd fld "Name" = "" or¬word 1 of line 1 of cd fld "Company" = "" or¬item 1 of line 1 of cd fld number is not a number or¬the number of items of line 1 of cd fld "number" <> 2 or ¬item 2 of line 1 of cd fld number is not a number thenbeepanswer "You have not filled in all the fields properly."exit to Hypercardend ifput cd fld "Number" into codeput 0 into NSput cd fld "Name" into Namerepeat until the last char of Name <> space and the last char of Name <> returndelete the last char of nameend repeatrepeat with i = 1 to the number of chars in Nameadd chartonum(char i of Name) to NSend repeatput item 1 of code*NS into keyput 0 into CSput cd fld "Company" into Comprepeat until the last char of Comp <> space and the last char of Comp <> returndelete the last char of Compend repeatrepeat with i = 1 to the number of chars in Compadd chartonum(char i of Comp) to CSend repeatput item 2 of code * CS into Key2set the script of cd btn "Import Tags" of cd "EC" to Decode (line 1 of cd fld ¬"RegisterA",Key,Key2,0)set the script of cd btn "Export Tags" of cd "EC" to Decode (line 2 of cd fld ¬"RegisterA",Key,Key2,1)set the script of cd btn "D" of cd "ME" to Decode (line 1 of cd fld ¬"RegisterB",Key,Key2,2)set the script of cd btn "Check File Names" of cd "FM" to Decode (line 2 of cd fld ¬"RegisterB"&cd fld "RegisterC",Key,Key2,3)Lightningend mouseUpFunction DeCode Coded, Key, Key2,Countput "" into UnCodedput the number of items in Coded into arepeat with i = 1 to aput round((item 1 of Coded - Key2)/Key) into bcif bc < 1 or bc > 255 thenanswer "Bad number."exit to hypercardend ifput numtoChar(bc) after UnCoded--put (i/a*25)+25*Count&"%"put i&"/"&a&", "&Count + 1&"/ 4"delete item 1 of Codedend repeatreturn UnCodedend DeCodeon Lightningbeepput item 1 of the loc of cd btn Spider into hput item 2 of the loc of cd btn Spider into vrepeat with i = v down to -10put h&comma&i into pset the loc of cd btn Spider to pend repeatrepeat with i = -10 to 40put "236,"&i into pset the loc of cd btn Spider to pend repeatput 236 into iset the icon of cd btn Spider to "Spider Power"repeat with o = 1 to 40put i&",40" into pset the loc of cd btn Spider to padd 10 to iend repeatput h&comma&v into pset the loc of cd btn Spider to pset the icon of cd btn Spider to "Spider"end Lightning</script>
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<text><span class="style3">obwebber disables the following features until registration:ΓÇó Import TagsΓÇó Export TagsΓÇó The ΓÇ£DΓÇ¥ MenuΓÇó File Name Checking- Local Link Checking is enabled, but discouraged until you can make sure that the file names are OK before you do it.Cost is </span><span class="style5">$20</span><span class="style3"> for people older than 18, and </span><span class="style5">$10</span><span class="style3"> for people 18 and under. Even if you don't want to pay me right away, I'd appreciate an email at </span><span class="style50"><a href="#" class="group">mailto:ikrieg@rc.net</a></span><span class="style3"> if you use Cobwebber, just so I know there are people out there using it.</span></text>
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1"/2else if a = "The Recent Files List" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd fld "Files",the width of cd fld "files"/2else if a = "Lower Level Menus" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Heir1",the width of cd btn "Heir1"/2Spider the loc of cd btn "Heir2",the width of cd btn "Heir2"/2else if a = "File Listings" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd fld "Fil1",the width of cd fld "Fil1"/2Spider the loc of cd fld "Fil2",the width of cd fld "Fil2"/2else if a = "Diamond" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Direction",the width of cd btn "Direction"/2else if a = "Directory Listings" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd fld "Dir1",the width of cd fld "Dir1"/2Spider the loc of cd fld "Dir2",the width of cd fld "Dir2"/2else if a = "Close file Manager" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Close file Manager",the width of cd btn "Close file Manager"/2else if a = "Load Folder" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Load Folder",the width of cd btn "Load Folder"/2else if a = "> Copy >" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "> Copy >",the width of cd btn "> Copy >"/2else if a = "Close Folder" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Close Folder",the width of cd btn "Close Folder"/2else if a = "> Move >" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "> Move >",the width of cd btn "> Move >"/2else if a = "Deletes" thengo to cd "FM"put the right of cd btn delete into locoput item 2 of the loc of cd btn delete into item 2 of locoSpider loco,the width of cd btn "delete"/2else if a = "Renames" thengo to cd "FM"put the right of cd btn rename into locoput item 2 of the loc of cd btn rename into item 2 of locoSpider loco,the width of cd btn "rename"/2else if a = "Name Specs" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Name Specs",the width of cd btn "Name Specs"/2else if a = "Red Unlabeled List" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd fld "Nochars",the width of cd fld "Nochars"/2else if a = "Check File Names" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Check File Names",the width of cd btn "Check File Names"/2else if a = "…and Local Links" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "…and Local Links",the width of cd btn "…and Local Links"/2else if a = "Main Listing" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "Taglist",the width of cd fld "Taglist"/2else if a = "“Before” Field" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "Before",the width of cd fld "Before"/2else if a = "“After” Field" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "After",the width of cd fld "After"/2else if a = "New Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "New Tag",the width of cd btn "New Tag"/2else if a = "Delete Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Delete Tag",the width of cd btn "Delete Tag"/2else if a = "Import Tags" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Import Tags",the width of cd btn "Import Tags"/2else if a = "Export Tags" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Export Tags",the width of cd btn "Export Tags"/2else if a = "Move Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Move Tag",the width of cd btn "Move Tag"/2else if a = "Rename Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Rename Tag",the width of cd btn "Rename Tag"/2else if a = "Update All" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Update All",the width of cd btn "Update All"/2else if a = "Color Sample" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Color Sample",the width of cd btn "Color Sample"/2else if a = "Saved Colors" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Saved Colors",the width of cd btn "Saved Colors"/2else if a = "Box with Hex" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "Green",the width of cd fld "Green"*1.5else if a = "Save Color" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Save Color",the width of cd btn "Save Color"/2else if a = "Little Arrows" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Green CNTL",the width of cd btn "Green CNTL"*1.5else if a = "Delete Save" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Delete Save",the width of cd btn "Delete Save"/2else if a = "R, G, and B" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "G",the width of cd btn "G"*1.5else if a = "Copy Color" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Copy Color",the width of cd btn "Copy Color"/2else if a = "Use Color Picker" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Use Color Picker",the width of cd btn "Use Color Picker"/2else if a = "Delete" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Delete",the width of cd btn "Delete"/2else if a = "Application List" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "OpenNames",the width of cd fld "OpenNames"/2else if a = "Extension List" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "Exts",the width of cd fld "Exts"/2else if a = "New Extension" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "New Extension",the width of cd btn "New Extension"/2else if a = "Redefine App" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Redefine App",the width of cd btn "Redefine App"/2else if a = "Change Extension" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Change Extension",the width of cd btn "Change Extension"/2else if a = "Launch" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Launch",the width of cd btn "Launch"/2else if a = "New Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "New Tag",the width of cd btn "New Tag"/2else if a = "Delete Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Delete Tag",the width of cd btn "Delete Tag"/2else if a = "Import Tags" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Import Tags",the width of cd btn "Import Tags"/2else if a = "Esport Tags" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Export Tags",the width of cd btn "Export Tags"/2else if a = "Move Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Move Tag",the width of cd btn "Move Tag"/2else if a = "Rename Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Rename Tag",the width of cd btn "Rename Tag"/2else if a = "Update All" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Update All",the width of cd btn "Update All"/2else if a = "Close Controls" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Close Controls",the width of cd btn "Close Controls"/2elsefind whole return&a&return in meend ifpop cardsend opencard to this stack--unlock messagesunlock recentend ifend mouseupon tabkeyput tab into the selectedchunkend tabkey</script>
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<script>on mousedownif the selectedtext of me = "Close Help" thengo backelseput the selectedtext of me into afind whole return&a&return in cd fld "Help"end if--select line 0 of meend mousedownon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(,)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Help Menu</name>
<script>on mouseDownif the optionkey is down thenput "Main,Lock,Unlock,Script;Listing,Lock,Unlock,Script" into menerif the locktext of cd fld "Help" is true thenput "!" after item 2 of menerelseput "!" after item 3 of menerend ifif the locktext of cd fld "Topics" is true thenput "!" after item 5 of menerelseput "!" after item 6 of menerend ifput HPopUpMenu(mener,0,the bottom of me-1, the left of me) into aif a = "" then exit mousedownif item 1 of a = "Main" thenif item 2 of a = "Lock" thenset the locktext of cd fld help to trueelse if item 2 of a = "UnLock" thenset the locktext of cd fld help to falseelse if item 2 of a = "Script" thenedit the script of cd fld helpend ifelse if item 1 of a = "Listing" thenif item 2 of a = "Lock" thenset the locktext of cd fld topics to trueelse if item 2 of a = "UnLock" thenset the locktext of cd fld topics to falseelse if item 2 of a = "Script" thenedit the script of cd fld topicsend ifend ifif the result ≠ "" thenanswer the resultelseend ifelseput HPopUpMenu("Go To Main Help;Print,Whole Help,Selected Topic;Exit"&¬"to,Main Editor,File Manager,Extra Controls;Close Help",0,the bottom of me, the left of me) into aif item 1 of a = "Close Help" thenlock screenrepeat while there is a cd btn "Help Menu"go backend repeatunlock screenelse if item 1 of a = "Go To Main Help" thengo to cd "Help"else if item 1 of a = "Exitto" thenif item 2 of a = "Main Editor" thengo to card "ME"else if item 2 of a = "File Manager" thengo to cd "FM"else if item 2 of a = "Extra Controls" thengo to cd "EC"end ifelse if item 1 of a = "Print" thenif item 2 of a = "Whole Help" thenprint cd fld Helpelse if item 2 of a = "Selected Topic" thenput word 2 of the selectedline of cd fld topics into aput the textstyle of the last char of line a of cd fld topics ¬into taput a + 1 into brepeat until the textstyle of the last char of line b of cd fld ¬topics = taadd 1 to bend repeatlock screenfind whole return&line a of cd fld topics&return in cd fld helpput word 2 of the foundchunk into paanswer the foundchunkfind whole return&line b of cd fld topics&return in cd fld helpput (word 2 of the foundchunk)-1 into pbanswer "Do you care whether the text has the same formatting "&¬"printed as it does now?" with "Cancel" or "Yes" or "No"if it = "No" thenprint char pa to pb of cd fld Helpelse if it = "Cancel" thenexit mousedownelseput char pa to pb of cd fld Help into cd fld "Print Temp"put the number of lines in char 1 to pa of cd fld Help into plaput the number of lines in char 1 to pb of cd fld Help into plbrepeat with i = pla to plbspeak round((i / plb)*100)&"%"set the textstyle of line (i-pla+1) of cd fld "Print Temp" to ¬the textstyle of line i of cd fld Helpset the textsize of line (i-pla+1) of cd fld "Print Temp" to ¬the textsize of line i of cd fld Helpset the textfont of line (i-pla+1) of cd fld "Print Temp" to ¬the textfont of line i of cd fld Helpset the cursor to busyend repeatprint cd fld "Print Temp"put "" into cd fld "Print Temp"end ifunlock screenend ifend ifend ifend mouseDownon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(,)end mouseEnter</script>
<text><span class="style24">ag Language</span><span class="style29">The tag language is a language to be used inside tags to make them dynamic, allowing such things as tables and links to be created when a tag is inserted. No spaces can be placed between the bracketed <> sections of dynamic tag.</span><span class="style3">ß (option-s)</span><span class="style29"> is used, when it is used, to signify that the selected text may be used there instead of in the center of the tag.</span><span class="style3">çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3">ƒ</span><span class="style29"> is used to tell people running the tag what they are choosing when asked an option.</span><span class="style30">Color</span><span class="style29">This allows the user to choose a color to be put in part of their tag.</span><span class="style3">çC<ß><çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3">ƒ></span><span class="style29">The user will be given a choice of either using a color from the "Saved Colors" menu or using the system color picker.</span><span class="style3">ß</span><span class="style29"> This will add a third option to the two listed above, the option of using the selected text for the color. This will be ignored if more or less characters then 6 are selected.</span><span class="style3">çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3">ƒ </span><span class="style29">The name of what the color is used for. It should fit into the template of "What would you like to use for </span><span class="style46">name </span><span class="style29">?".Examples:A tag to insert the followed link color into a body tag:</span><span class="style3">vlink="çCßçNthe followed link colorƒ"</span><span class="style29">The first half of a tag to put a body around already existing text and define background and text colors. "ß" isn't used, because that would be trying to be using the main body of the web page as a color which shouldn't work.</span><span class="style3"><body bgcolor="çCçNthe background colorƒ" text="çCçNthe text colorƒ"></span><span class="style29"></span><span class="style30">Fill-in Text</span><span class="style29">This allows the user to type something that will appear in the implanted tag.</span><span class="style3">çF<ß><çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3">ƒ>ß</span><span class="style29"> Same as ever. Allows the option of using the selected text as the filled in text.</span><span class="style3">çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3">ƒ </span><span class="style29">Tells the user of the tag what the text they're typing is for. It should fit into the template of"What would you like for </span><span class="style46">name </span><span class="style29">?"Examples:This allows the user to fill in a remote link. The user may either want to have the selected text be the remote link, or they may want it to be the label that is colored and underlined in the browser.</span><span class="style3"><A Href="çFßçNthe remote URLƒ">…</A></span><span class="style29">This is part of an image tag. The selected text wouldn't be for such a secondary part of the tag, so the user is not given the option of using the selected text.</span><span class="style3"><Img...border="çFçNthe border width of the imageƒ"...></span><span class="style29"></span><span class="style30">Link</span><span class="style29">This allows the user to choose a local link to part of the web site chosen in the file manager, of which the document you are editing must also be a part.</span><span class="style3">çL<ß><ƒ</span><span class="style7">viable extensions </span><span class="style3">ƒ><çN</span><span class="style7">name </span><span class="style3">ƒ>ß </span><span class="style29">Same as normal.</span><span class="style3">ƒ</span><span class="style7">viable extensions </span><span class="style3">ƒ</span><span class="style29"> A list of the extensions that can be chosen. For instance, if the only extension in the list is “gif”, then only gifs will be available for the link. If this part of the syntax isn't included, all files will be available. Each extension in the list must have a period on its left and a space on its right, including the one at the end. </span><span class="style3">ƒ.gif .jpg .jpeg ƒçN</span><span class="style7">name </span><span class="style3">ƒ </span><span class="style29">Same as always. Must fit into the template of "What would you like for </span><span class="style46">name </span><span class="style29">?"Examples:This is the main part of a graphics tag:</span><span class="style3"><Img Src="çL߃.gif .jpg .jpeg ƒçNyour pictureƒ"></span><span class="style29">This is the part of the body tag denoting the background graphic. The selected text should be the main document, not the graphic.</span><span class="style3"><Body background="çLƒ.gif .jpg .jpeg ƒçNthe background of your pageƒ"></span><span class="style29"></span><span class="style30">Multiple Choice</span><span class="style29">This gives the user a list of options to put in that part of the tag. An example for the use of this could be the various alignments used in the image tag.</span><span class="style3">ço</span><span class="style7">option1 </span><span class="style3">ƒ</span><span class="style7">option2</span><span class="style3"> <etc.>ç><çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3"> ƒ></span><span class="style29">Note: The right bracket after the second ç is part of the syntax, and does not mark an optional portion.</span><span class="style7">option1 </span><span class="style3">ƒ</span><span class="style7">option2</span><span class="style3"> </span><span class="style29"> The options of for the user. an ƒ must be after every option except the last one. The <etc.> is just to signify that you can continue this, to the best of my knowledge, to your heart's content.</span><span class="style3"><çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3"> ƒ> </span><span class="style29">The name of the action, such as image alignment. Names must fit into the template of “What would you like for </span><span class="style46">name</span><span class="style29"> ?"Example:This is the alignment of an image, with the rest of the tag ignored:</span><span class="style3">align=çoMiddleƒTopƒbottomƒleftƒrightƒcenterç>çNthe image alignmentƒ</span><span class="style29"></span><span class="style30">Optional</span><span class="style29">The user gets to choose whether to use the code enclosed in this tag. </span><span class="style3">ç[</span><span class="style7">optional text</span><span class="style3"> ç]<çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3"> ƒ></span><span class="style29">Nesting of this tag is allowed, but be sure to have spaces between one start and the next. In other words, "</span><span class="style3">ç[ ç[</span><span class="style29">" is correct, while "</span><span class="style3">ç[ç[</span><span class="style29">" is not.</span><span class="style7">optional text</span><span class="style3"> </span><span class="style29"> is the text you are allowing people to either include or reject. It can include HTML, plain text, and further Cobwebber coding.</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style29"> The normal name defined at the beginning of this chapter describing tags. It must fit into the template of "Would you like to </span><span class="style46">name</span><span class="style29"> ?"Example:Do you want to have colors in your body tag?</span><span class="style3"><Body … ç[vlink=… bgcolor=…ç]çNhave colors setƒ ></span><span class="style29"></span><span class="style30">Recursive</span><span class="style29">This allows text to to be repeated the number of times a user wants. For instance, if you want to have a table with </span><span class="style46">x</span><span class="style29"> columns and </span><span class="style46">y</span><span class="style29"> rows, you can have a recursive tag to ask the user how many time to repeat each part of the code, that is, the column code and then the row code.</span><span class="style3">çM</span><span class="style7">text to be repeated</span><span class="style3"> µ<çN</span><span class="style7">name</span><span class="style3"> ƒ</span><span class="style29"></span><span class="style46">text to be repeated</span><span class="style29"> is about as clear as I can get.µ is option-M.</span><span class="style46">name</span><span class="style29"> is the name of the procedure as defined earlier. It must fit into the frame of “How many </span><span class="style46">name</span><span class="style29"> ?”Example:Table code:</span><span class="style3"><Table>çRçM<TR>çM<TD></TD>µçNcolumns do you wantƒ</TR> çRµçNrows do you wantƒçR</Table></span><span class="style29"></span><span class="style30">Return</span><span class="style29">This allows one to have a carriage return in your tag. Due to the way tags are stored, no actual returns will be kept in them, but you can use this to have them inserted as the tag is. Any real returns you make in a tag as you are editing it will become "çR"s when you save your tag.</span><span class="style3">çR</span></text>
<script>on mouseupif the textstyle of the clickchunk contains "group" thenelseexit mouseUpend ifput the clicktext into aif char 1 of a = return then delete char 1 of aif char 1 to 6 of a = "ftp://" or ¬char 1 to 7 of a = "http://" or ¬char 1 to 7 of a = "mailto:" thenlaunchURL aif the result ≠ "" thenanswer the resultend ifelsespeak alock recent--lock messagespush cardif a = "The File Menu" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd btn "File",the width of cd btn "File"/2else if a = "The Edit Menu" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd btn "Edit",the width of cd btn "Edit"/2else if a = "The ""e&"Recent Files""e&" Menu" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd btn "Recent Files",the width of cd btn "Recent Files"/2else if a = "?" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd btn "Help & Credits",the width of cd btn "Help & Credits"/2else if a = "D" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd btn "D",the width of cd btn "D"/2else if a = "The Editing Area" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd fld "Main",the width of cd fld "main"/4else if a = "View Tags" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd fld "Title 1",the width of cd fld "title 1"/2else if a = "The Recent Files List" thengo to cd 1Spider the loc of cd fld "Files",the width of cd fld "files"/2else if a = "Lower Level Menus" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Heir1",the width of cd btn "Heir1"/2Spider the loc of cd btn "Heir2",the width of cd btn "Heir2"/2else if a = "File Listings" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd fld "Fil1",the width of cd fld "Fil1"/2Spider the loc of cd fld "Fil2",the width of cd fld "Fil2"/2else if a = "Diamond" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Direction",the width of cd btn "Direction"/2else if a = "Directory Listings" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd fld "Dir1",the width of cd fld "Dir1"/2Spider the loc of cd fld "Dir2",the width of cd fld "Dir2"/2else if a = "Close file Manager" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Close file Manager",the width of cd btn "Close file Manager"/2else if a = "Load Folder" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Load Folder",the width of cd btn "Load Folder"/2else if a = "> Copy >" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "> Copy >",the width of cd btn "> Copy >"/2else if a = "Close Folder" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Close Folder",the width of cd btn "Close Folder"/2else if a = "> Move >" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "> Move >",the width of cd btn "> Move >"/2else if a = "Deletes" thengo to cd "FM"put the right of cd btn delete into locoput item 2 of the loc of cd btn delete into item 2 of locoSpider loco,the width of cd btn "delete"/2else if a = "Renames" thengo to cd "FM"put the right of cd btn rename into locoput item 2 of the loc of cd btn rename into item 2 of locoSpider loco,the width of cd btn "rename"/2else if a = "Name Specs" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Name Specs",the width of cd btn "Name Specs"/2else if a = "Red Unlabeled List" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd fld "Nochars",the width of cd fld "Nochars"/2else if a = "Check File Names" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "Check File Names",the width of cd btn "Check File Names"/2else if a = "…and Local Links" thengo to cd "FM"Spider the loc of cd btn "…and Local Links",the width of cd btn "…and Local Links"/2else if a = "Main Listing" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "Taglist",the width of cd fld "Taglist"/2else if a = "“Before” Field" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "Before",the width of cd fld "Before"/2else if a = "“After” Field" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "After",the width of cd fld "After"/2else if a = "New Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "New Tag",the width of cd btn "New Tag"/2else if a = "Delete Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Delete Tag",the width of cd btn "Delete Tag"/2else if a = "Import Tags" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Import Tags",the width of cd btn "Import Tags"/2else if a = "Export Tags" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Export Tags",the width of cd btn "Export Tags"/2else if a = "Move Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Move Tag",the width of cd btn "Move Tag"/2else if a = "Rename Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Rename Tag",the width of cd btn "Rename Tag"/2else if a = "Update All" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Update All",the width of cd btn "Update All"/2else if a = "Color Sample" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Color Sample",the width of cd btn "Color Sample"/2else if a = "Saved Colors" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Saved Colors",the width of cd btn "Saved Colors"/2else if a = "Box with Hex" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "Green",the width of cd fld "Green"*1.5else if a = "Save Color" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Save Color",the width of cd btn "Save Color"/2else if a = "Little Arrows" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Green CNTL",the width of cd btn "Green CNTL"*1.5else if a = "Delete Save" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Delete Save",the width of cd btn "Delete Save"/2else if a = "R, G, and B" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "G",the width of cd btn "G"*1.5else if a = "Copy Color" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Copy Color",the width of cd btn "Copy Color"/2else if a = "Use Color Picker" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Use Color Picker",the width of cd btn "Use Color Picker"/2else if a = "Delete" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Delete",the width of cd btn "Delete"/2else if a = "Application List" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "OpenNames",the width of cd fld "OpenNames"/2else if a = "Extension List" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd fld "Exts",the width of cd fld "Exts"/2else if a = "New Extension" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "New Extension",the width of cd btn "New Extension"/2else if a = "Redefine App" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Redefine App",the width of cd btn "Redefine App"/2else if a = "Change Extension" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Change Extension",the width of cd btn "Change Extension"/2else if a = "Launch" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Launch",the width of cd btn "Launch"/2else if a = "New Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "New Tag",the width of cd btn "New Tag"/2else if a = "Delete Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Delete Tag",the width of cd btn "Delete Tag"/2else if a = "Import Tags" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Import Tags",the width of cd btn "Import Tags"/2else if a = "Esport Tags" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Export Tags",the width of cd btn "Export Tags"/2else if a = "Move Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Move Tag",the width of cd btn "Move Tag"/2else if a = "Rename Tag" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Rename Tag",the width of cd btn "Rename Tag"/2else if a = "Update All" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Update All",the width of cd btn "Update All"/2else if a = "Close Controls" thengo to cd "EC"Spider the loc of cd btn "Close Controls",the width of cd btn "Close Controls"/2elsefind whole return&a&return in meend ifpop cardsend opencard to this stack--unlock messagesunlock recentend ifend mouseupon tabkeyput tab into the selectedchunkend tabkeyon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(319,322)end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on mouseDownselect the clicklineif the selectedtext of me = "Close Help" thengo backelseput the selectedtext of me into afind whole return&a&return in cd fld "Help"end if--select line 0 of meend mouseDownon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(346,346)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Help Menu</name>
<script>on mouseDownif the optionkey is down thenput "Main,Lock,Unlock,Script;Listing,Lock,Unlock,Script" into menerif the locktext of cd fld "Help" is true thenput "!" after item 2 of menerelseput "!" after item 3 of menerend ifif the locktext of cd fld "Topics" is true thenput "!" after item 5 of menerelseput "!" after item 6 of menerend ifput HPopUpMenu(mener,0,the bottom of me-1, the left of me) into aif a = "" then exit mousedownif item 1 of a = "Main" thenif item 2 of a = "Lock" thenset the locktext of cd fld help to trueelse if item 2 of a = "UnLock" thenset the locktext of cd fld help to falseelse if item 2 of a = "Script" thenedit the script of cd fld helpend ifelse if item 1 of a = "Listing" thenif item 2 of a = "Lock" thenset the locktext of cd fld topics to trueelse if item 2 of a = "UnLock" thenset the locktext of cd fld topics to falseelse if item 2 of a = "Script" thenedit the script of cd fld topicsend ifend ifif the result ≠ "" thenanswer the resultelseend ifelseput HPopUpMenu("Language Help;Print,Whole Help,Selected Topic;"&¬"Exit to,Main Editor,File Manager,Extra Controls;Close Help",0,the bottom of me-1, the left of me) into aif item 1 of a = "Close Help" thengo backelse if item 1 of a = "Language Help" thengo to cd "Language Help"else if item 1 of a = "Exit to" thenif item 2 of a = "Main Editor" thengo to card "ME"else if item 2 of a = "File Manager" thengo to cd "FM"else if item 2 of a = "Extra Controls" thengo to cd "EC"end ifelse if item 1 of a = "Print" thenif item 2 of a = "Whole Help" thenprint cd fld Helpelse if item 2 of a = "Selected Topic" thenput word 2 of the selectedline of cd fld topics into aput the textstyle of the last char of line a of cd fld topics ¬into taput 1 into dtrepeat until the textstyle of the last char of line dt of fld ¬SH = line 1 of taput (the textstyle of line dt of fld SH) into line dt + 1 of taadd 1 to dtend repeatput return after taput a + 1 into brepeat until ta contains value((the textstyle of the last char of line b of cd fld ¬topics)&return)add 1 to bend repeatlock screenfind whole return&line a of cd fld topics&return in cd fld helpput word 2 of the foundchunk into pafind whole return&line b of cd fld topics&return in cd fld helpput (word 2 of the foundchunk)-1 into pbanswer "Do you care whether the text has the same formatting "&¬"printed as it does now? If you choose “Yes”, then the contents"&¬"of the clipboard will be replaced." with "Cancel" or "Yes" or "No"if it = "No" thenprint char pa to pb of cd fld Helpelse if it = "Cancel" thenexit mousedownelseset the locktext of cd fld "HELP" to falselock screenselect char pa to pb of cd fld Helpcommandkeydown "C"show cd fld "Print Temp"click at the loc of cd fld "Print Temp"domenu "Paste Text" with commandkeyhide cd fld "Print Temp"-- put char pa to pb of cd fld Help into cd fld "Print Temp"-- put the number of lines in char 1 to pa of cd fld Help into pla-- put the number of lines in char 1 to pb of cd fld Help into plb-- repeat with i = pla to plb-- speak round((i / plb)*100)&"%"-- set the textstyle of line (i-pla+1) of cd fld "Print Temp" to ¬-- the textstyle of line i of cd fld Help-- set the textsize of line (i-pla+1) of cd fld "Print Temp" to ¬-- the textsize of line i of cd fld Help-- set the textfont of line (i-pla+1) of cd fld "Print Temp" to ¬-- the textfont of line i of cd fld Help-- set the cursor to busy-- end repeatset the locktext of cd fld "HELP" to trueprint cd fld "Print Temp"put "" into cd fld "Print Temp"end ifunlock screenend ifend ifend ifend mouseDownon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(325,343)end mouseEnter</script>
<text><span class="style29">To go to an topic in the listing, click on it. To leave Help, use the Help Menu to the right.</span><span class="style24">The Main Editor</span><span class="style29">The main editor is where you can edit HTML (or anything else you choose to use Cobwebber for). The title bar disappears when you open this stack. That can be changed from any card by pressing command-T.</span><span class="style30">The Menus</span><span class="style25"></span><span class="style29">There are menus in the standard menu bar. These are the standard Hypercard menus. They work as always, except that Cobwebber overrides some of their command-keys. Rather than inserting my own menu-items into them, I have buttons on the first card (Main Editor) that act like menus. For some people, these will make error messages when pressed, and no menu will appear. I have two solutions for this. One is what Jon Pugh, the author of the external that makes the menus, has to say:"Most likely the problem here is different versions of the OSL. There are a number of thrashed versions running around. I recommend getting OSL 1.2 and ditching all the others.</span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">ftp://ftp.scripting.com/apple/objectSupportLib.sit.hqx</a></span><span class="style29">"The other is the command keys. They can be found after each menu command for the main editing area, and will work even if the menus don't.</span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group"></a></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">The File Menu</a></span><span class="style33">New File…</span><span class="style29">N</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This lets you start a new file. It asks you where you want to save it right then, which can be helpful partly because if you want to make any links from it to other parts of your web site, they'll have to be relational, and for Cobwebber to do them for you, it'll have to know where the file you're working on is. After you choose the file's location, you will be asked if you want to insert a tag initially. This is particularly designed for tags such as the “Page Template” tag, which lets you choose your page title, swatch, and some other things, and gives the basic page template of Head and Body enclosed in Html. You may also have other tags you want to put in.</span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style33">Open Text File…</span><span class="style29">O</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This allows you to open any simple text file. Although Cobwebber has been designed to edit web pages, you can use it for many things if you're satisfied with plain text files. You can also make tags in it that you use and copy into a word processor. Anyway, this is a default file opener.</span><span class="style33">Close This File…</span><span class="style29">W</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This closes the currently open file, leaving an empty workspace. This workspace can be used for starting a new web page, which you can later save. Close will allow saving before closing, but only if it's necessary (unlike some programs, if you hit the spacebar and delete the space, Cobwebber will consider the file unchanged). Open will currently automatically close, so you don't have to close one file before you open another.</span><span class="style33">Save This File</span><span class="style29">S</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This saves the file. If it hasn't been saved yet, then a default Save dialog box will be displayed.</span><span class="style33">Save as…</span><span class="style29">… (command-option-;)</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This allows you, as with a normal Save as…, to save a copy of the file you are working on with another name and/or location. Future saves will be saved here until you Save As… again to another location or name.</span><span class="style33">Change Name</span><span class="style29">J</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This lets you change the name of your file, rather than saving a copy with a new name. However, it doesn't let you move the file.</span><span class="style33">Print All</span><span class="style29">P</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This prints everything in the editing field, where all the HTML and text is. A normal Print command.</span><span class="style33">Print Text Only</span><span class="style29">No Command-Key</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This prints everything in the editing field except for the HTML, which is located by the brackets: <></span><span class="style33">File Manager</span><span class="style29">M</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This is a link to another part of Cobwebber, in which you can manipulate files and browse your site folder, as well as a few other things. For all its features, please see the main </span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">File Manager</a></span><span class="style29"> part of the help.</span><span class="style33">Launch Browser</span><span class="style29">L</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This will launch a browser with the file you currently have open in Cobwebber. If you haven't specified the browser yet or the specified path no longer works, you will be prompted to select your browser again.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">The Edit Menu</a></span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style33">Undo</span><span class="style29">Z</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This works like the normal undo command, but will undo tags, too, which is why I added my own menu item for it. When you place a tag, then undo, the text will be as it was when you pressed tab. If you place a tag, then type some text, then undo, the typing will be undone but the tag will remain. This undo command only does anything beyond normal in the main editing area.</span><span class="style33">Define Tag…</span><span class="style29">D</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This asks for the name, beginning, and ending of a tag. The name is what is shown in listings of tags, so it should be descriptive. The beginning is what is put before the selected text when the tag is applied. The ending is what is put after the selected text after the tag is applied. Use the beginning if you want to have a site-wide special insert, like a listing of the sections in your web site. In the Extra controls, the beginning has a scroll bar.</span><span class="style33">Extra Controls</span><span class="style29">E</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29">This takes you to a part of Cobwebber where you can organize tags, make colors, and more. For more information, please see the </span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">Extra Controls</a></span><span class="style29"> section of help.</span><span class="style33">Find or Replace</span><span class="style29">FThis allows you to either find or replace text in the main editing area. Its pretty slow, but it won't find the same thing twice.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">The "Recent Files" Menu</a></span><span class="style29">This shows the same information as in the recent files field, for people more comfortable with menus. For more information, please see the </span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">recent files</a></span><span class="style29"> section of help.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">?</a></span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style29">This isn't actually even a fake of a menu, but a normal button wearing the guise of the help menu. It brings you here (in case you hadn't noticed).</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">D</a></span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style29">This menu lets you see all the XCMDs and XFNCs available to Cobwebber and lets you edit any of the buttons on the first card easily.</span><span class="style26"><a href="#" class="group">The Editing Area</a></span><span class="style30"></span><span class="style29">Most of the real work you do in Cobwebber will probably be done in the main editing area, the scrolling field under the menus. It has lots of features involving various key commands, as follows:</span><span class="style32">Adding Tags</span><span class="style29">To add a tag, simply select the text you want to tag and press the tab key. A list in a dialog box of the names of all the tags will appear, the last one used selected. Double-click the tag you want, or select it and press OK. If you got there by mistake or change your mind, press Cancel. The whole process is much faster than in previous versions of Cobwebber.</span><span class="style32">Special Characters</span><span class="style29">To add the numeric code for a special character, press tab while editing a document and hold down the shift key until a dialog box appears. Choose the special character you want to insert, and its code will appear in the text where the insertion point was. Sorry this isn't as quick and painless as typing, maybe next version it will be. It's necessary rather than just typing for certain characters because certain characters will either produce syntax errors or be shown as other characters if not encoded properly.</span><span class="style3"></span><span class="style32">Repeating Last Tag</span><span class="style19"></span><span class="style29">To redo the last tag that was done, press command-R with text selected in the editing text area. Typing, opening other files, quitting Cobwebber or Hypercard, or even restarting the computer do not affect Cobwebber's memory of the last tag done.</span><span class="style32">Following Links</span><span class="style29">Yes, despite all appearances, Cobwebber can follow links, both local and distant. Most links are assumed to be in quotes. Select the general area of the link, but don't select any quotes exept the two enclosing the link. If it doesn't have any quotes, then the Follow procedure will work as long as the selection is made exactly. Then, press command-G for go, and the link will be followed. If it's remote and everything is set up correctly in Internet Config (required for remote linking), your browser will be launched. If it's local, and its extension is registered in the Extra Controls, its assigned application will open it. If not, you will be asked whether you want to open it with Cobwebber.</span><span class="style30">Preferences</span><span class="style29">The preferences are located to the right of the editing area.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">View Tags</a></span><span class="style29">These settings defines how the tag list looks when you call it up. In other words, these settings change how the list of tags that shows when you press tab in the main editing area to insert a tag is organized and displayed.</span><span class="style33">By Name</span><span class="style29">If this is selected, you will see the name assigned to each tag in the listing.</span><span class="style33">By Tag</span><span class="style29">If this is selected, then instead of seeing names in the listing, you will see the actual tag itself, such as "</span><span class="style3"><B>˛</B></span><span class="style29">" instead of "</span><span class="style3">Bold</span><span class="style29">". The square in the middle is replaced by the selected text when the tag is used.</span><span class="style33">By Alphabet</span><span class="style29">If this is selected, then you will see the list of names or tags in alphabetical order. </span><span class="style33">By Order</span><span class="style29">If this is selected, then rather than seeing the tags in alphabetical order, you'll see them in sequential order. Without editing, this is the order in which they were made, but it can be changed in the Extra Controls area to an organization of the tags. Cobwebber comes with the tags in such an order, with labels for the divisions.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Use Color</a></span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style29">When this option is not selected, no color will be displayed by Cobwebber. For my Hypercard-literate users, I did this by not sending the "colorme" message and uninstalling Color Tools, along with an if statement for the starting splash screen.</span><span class="style26"><a href="#" class="group">The Recent Files List</a></span><span class="style25"></span><span class="style29">The recent files list is located at the bottom right of the main screen. It lists all the files that have been viewed in Cobwebber, save those that were deleted by users. Only duplicates are deleted automatically.</span><span class="style32">Opening Files from It</span><span class="style29">To open a file from the recent files list, either double-click it in the list or select it in the corresponding menu.</span><span class="style32">Deleting Names from It</span><span class="style29">To delete a name from the recent files list, select it, then click on it again with the option-key down. If you just want to delete the selected entry, press "Yes". If you want to delete it and every entry listed below it, press "And Down". This can be used to majorly truncate the length of the listing.</span><span class="style24">The File Manager</span><span class="style29">This helps you deal with the files in your web site and the links between them. It can help you avoid excessive flipping between Cobwebber and the Finder, along with not having to find your site folder with the Finder when you want to do stuff with it. As a rule, between the time when you choose a site folder and the time you close it, the Manager acts as if the site folder is the hard drive, and there is nothing beyond it.</span><span class="style41">Listings</span><span class="style29">This part of the Manager gives you lists of the files in your site. There are two columns, each showing a folder when requested</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Lower Level Menus</a></span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style29">One of these resides at the top of each column, and shows the name of the folder like the standard file dialog box. It also acts like the pop-up menu in the standard dialog box by providing a menu of higher folders for you to jump to. However, it doesn't go past the site's root folder.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">File Listings</a></span><span class="style29">These list the files in the folder selected for the column they're in. If you select a file and double-click it, it will be opened. In the Extra Controls you can match applications with file name extensions. If the extension of the file you are opening is in this listing, it will be opened with the proper program. Otherwise, you will be asked whether you want to open it with Cobwebber.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Diamond</a></span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style29">When this is pressed, the columns will switch places. This can be useful when you need to move or copy a file.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Directory Listings</a></span><span class="style29">These list the directories as the file listings list files. If you double-click on a directory in this listing, it open in the opposite column unless you hold the option key down for it to open in the same one. The same applies to the "<Higher Directory>" entry, which is not available in the root level of your site but otherwise will take you one level up.</span><span class="style42"><a href="#" class="group">Close File Manager</a></span><span class="style41"></span><span class="style29">This will close the file manager and return you to the main editor, whether you came from there or not.</span><span class="style41"></span><span class="style42"><a href="#" class="group">Load Folder</a></span><span class="style41"></span><span class="style29">This lets you choose the base directory of the site you wish to edit in the file manager.</span><span class="style42"><a href="#" class="group">> Copy ></a></span><span class="style41"></span><span class="style29">This will copy the file in the folder open in the left column to the folder open in the right column.</span><span class="style41"></span><span class="style42"><a href="#" class="group">Close Folder</a></span><span class="style41"></span><span class="style29">This will close the folder you opened with “Load Folder” and ask you whether you want to save any changes you might have made to the name specs. Name specs are covered later in the help. You don't need to do this unless you don't want any folder open in the File Manager, because the information on which folder is open will remain even if you restart the computer.</span><span class="style42"><a href="#" class="group">> Move ></a></span><span class="style29">Same as copy, but moves the file instead. </span><span class="style42"><a href="#" class="group">Deletes</a></span><span class="style29">These buttons will delete the selected file (concept!). The left button will delete the selected file in the left column, and the right button will delete the selected file in the right column.</span><span class="style41"></span><span class="style42"><a href="#" class="group">Renames</a></span><span class="style29">These buttons work the same way as the delete buttons, but instead of deleting the selected file, they ask you for a new name for it.</span><span class="style41"></span><span class="style42"><a href="#" class="group">Name Specs</a></span><span class="style29">These settings are for the use of the two buttons at the bottom of the panel. These two buttons check the integrity of your file names and local links.</span><span class="style32">Save Specs</span><span class="style29">This button will save the more variable of the specs to a file, so that if you work on several site folders that have different name requirements, probably for different servers, the specs for each folder will be preserved separately. The specs can also be saved when you close the site folder you are working on.</span><span class="style32">Revert Specs</span><span class="style29">This will reset the specs to the last saved version.</span><span class="style45">o</span><span class="style32">Case Sensitive</span><span class="style29">If checked, the file names will be checked for proper case and the links will be checked in a case sensitive manner.</span><span class="style45">m</span><span class="style32">All Lower Case</span><span class="style29">This will cause all the file names that aren't lower case to become lower case.</span><span class="style45">m</span><span class="style32">All Upper Case</span><span class="style29">This will cause all the file names that aren't upper case to become upper case.</span><span class="style45">m</span><span class="style32">Mixed Case</span><span class="style29">This will leave the cases of the file names the same, but still check links in a case sensitive manner.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Red Unlabeled List</a></span><span class="style29">This is a list of characters forbidden in file names. Even if colons are forbidden, you needn't include them here, because the Mac won't let you use them anyway.</span><span class="style45">o</span><span class="style32">Extension Necessary</span><span class="style29">If this is checked, then, if no extension is found on a file name, you will be asked to add one. Otherwise, it will be ignored.</span><span class="style45">o</span><span class="style32"># of Letters Before .</span><span class="style29">This check box determines whether the numbers of letters in the main name and the extensions are checked or not. The field after this text denotes the maximum number of letters in the first part of a file's name. In DOS, this would be 8.</span><span class="style32"># of Letters Between .</span><span class="style29">This is the maximum number of letters per extension. I don't say it that way in the name because of screen space limitations. In DOS, this is 3.</span><span class="style45">o</span><span class="style32"># of Letters in All</span><span class="style29">The check box marks whether the number of letters, including periods, in a name as a whole, should be checked. The number is the maximum limit of characters, including periods, for file names. In DOS, this would probably be twelve.</span><span class="style45">o</span><span class="style32">Check non-Cobwebber Files</span><span class="style29">If this is checked, then the Local Link checker will check every file, including graphics files, for links. If it isn't checked, only files that Cobwebber is supposed to open, according to their extensions, will be checked. This has no effect on name checking. Files that Cobwebber can open are defined in the Extra Controls.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Check File Names</a></span><span class="style29">This checks the name of every file in the currently selected site folder. It gives two beeps when done, and one beep when it needs your attention.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">…and Local Links</a></span><span class="style29">This will "Check File Names" unless you hold down the option key to stop it, which I don't advise unless you haven't quit Hypercard or changed any file names since the last time you checked them. It will give two beeps when done with the name checking, then check the local links. If it finds a link that doesn't work because the case is wrong, and you have specified that case matters, it will automatically change the case. If a file of the specified name cannot be found, you will be given a dialog box to select a real file from. When its done checking the local links, it will play a little harpsichord tune and give you a list of files that it changed to repair improper links.</span><span class="style24">Extra Controls</span><span class="style29">The Extra Controls give you extra control over tags, link checking, and the opening of files from Cobwebber. They also let you preview colors in hex, then copy them into your web site.</span><span class="style30">Tag Editing</span><span class="style29">Using the Extra Controls' Tag Editing features, you can create, delete, and rename tags, as well as editing their contents and changing their order in the list of tags. Note: the separators I have installed to set off sections in the tag list are just normal tags with names and contents that make them stand out. There's no separate set-up for creating them, just make a tag with names and contents similar to the separator ones.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Main Listing</a></span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style29">The main listing lists all of the tags in your copy of Cobwebber. Select one to edit it, rename it, move it, delete it, etc.</span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">“Before” Field</a></span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style29">Here you can edit the text in a tag that comes before the selected text.</span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">“After” Field</a></span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style29">Here you can edit the text in a tag that comes after the selected text, which is represented by “Sample Text”.</span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">New Tag</a></span><span class="style29">This lets you add a tag to the list of tags. It asks you for the name of the tag first. Then, it gives you a list of all the tags in your copy of Cobwebber. Choose the one you want it after, or, if you want it at the very beginning, click the “Beginning” button. The tag will then be selected in the list and you can edit it in the two yellow fields at the top right.</span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Delete Tag</a></span><span class="style29">This asks you whether you want to delete the selected tag, and if you say OK, does so.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Import Tags</a></span><span class="style29">This allows you to add tags either from another copy of Cobwebber or a file created by “Export Tags” to your copy of Cobwebber. It asks you whether you want to get tags from another copy of Cobwebber or an exported file. If you choose Cobwebber, you will be given a file selecting dialog box showing Hypercard stacks. Find the copy of Cobwebber you want to use, then open it. This will work with all past versions of Cobwebber. If you choose to use an exported file, you will be given a list of text files to choose your exported file from.Whichever you do, you will then be presented with a list dialog showing all the tags in the selected file. Command-click on the ones you want, or shift-click for continuous groups, then press OK. The tags will appear at the bottom of your tag list.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Export Tags</a></span><span class="style29">You will be presented with a list of all the tags in your copy of Cobwebber. Command-Click the ones you want to export into an archive. Cobwebber will figure out what the saved archive will be like. When it's done, which shouldn't take too long, you will be asked where to save it. The tags will be saved in the archive, to be imported again into any modern copy of Cobwebber. This can be useful for making backups of your tags, if you need to, or distributing them.</span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Move Tag</a></span><span class="style29">This is for moving tags to different parts of your list of tags, which is particularly useful for organization. It is useless if you always use a sorted view of tags. It will present you with a list of all the tags in your copy of Cobwebber in a dialog box, including the selected ones. Select the tag you want the one you're moving to appear after, and it will be moved to that point. To put your tag before all others, press the “Beginning” button.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Rename Tag</a></span><span class="style29">This will prompt you for a new name for the selected tag and change it accordingly.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Update All</a></span><span class="style29">This makes sure that the list of tags in the Extra Conrols matches the master list. It is automatically called when the Extra Controls are opened.</span><span class="style30">Color Peeker</span><span class="style29">The Color Peeker gives you a pretty close estimate of what a given hexadecimal color will look like, and then allows you to put it in your page. You can put it in your page by saving it and then choosing it when you insert a tag involving color, or copy and paste.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Color Sample</a></span><span class="style29">This shows black text on your color. If you hold the mouse button down on it, it shows your color in text on a black background. Due to Hypercard's limitations, a custom color of text on a custom color of background isn't available.</span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Saved Colors</a></span><span class="style29">This pop-up menu gives all the saved colors with their hex values. Select one, and it will be displayed in the color peeker, and you can make variations and changes. To save a color, use the “Save Color” button. To delete a color, use the “Delete Save” button.</span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Box With Hex</a></span><span class="style29">This box shows the hexedecimal code for your color. You can edit the hex, and the color will change when you tab on or click out of the hex color you are currently changing. Red, green, and blue, are each separate text fields, so you can't do anything like selecting and retyping the whole number, perhaps unfortunately.</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Save Color</a></span><span class="style34"></span><span class="style29">This will put the color currently shown in the “Box with Hex” and the color sample into the Saved Colors popup menu. Commas aren't allowed in color names due to the way colors are saved, so if you put one in a name, it will become a colon. For the uses of saved colors, go to the help on “Saved Colors”, just a little way up the help.</span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Little Arrows</a></span><span class="style29">These will slowly lower or raise the hex for the part of the color they control. Which color they control is shown by which columns they're in, and the column's color is shown by the tile directly below these little arrows.</span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Delete Save</a></span><span class="style29">This button will remove the color currently selected in the “Saved Colors” popup menu. It's pretty straightforward, but it doesn't ask for confirmation if you click it so be careful.</span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">R, G, and B</a></span><span class="style29">These three colored buttons show the color of the column of the Color Peeker they are in. If you click on one, it will select its part of the hex.</span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Copy Color</a></span><span class="style29">This will copy the color in hex, all ready to be pasted wherever you might want a hex color.</span><span class="style32"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Use Color Picker</a></span><span class="style29">This will bring up the standard color picker for your system. Choose your color there, and it will be hexed and put into the peeker to be edited, or, more likely, saved or copied.</span><span class="style30">Application Listing</span><span class="style29">This is where file name extensions are matched with applications to open them. There are two main places this is used. One, if you follow a link in a web page from the main editor, this area of Cobwebber will be consulted, and if you've decided that another application should open that type of file, then such will happen, and if you've specified that it should be opened with Cobwebber, then it will be. If you haven't specified, you will be asked what you want to do. Two, in the file manager, if you double-click on a file name, the same procedure will be followed.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Application List</a></span><span class="style29">This list corresponds with the extensions list to show what applications are matched with which extensions. Whatever line an application is on, the extension on that same line shows what extension is associated with that application. An application may have more than one extension associated with it, each on a separate line.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Extension List</a></span><span class="style29">Find an extension in this list, look at the same line of the applications list, and see what application is used to open that extension. Clicking on a line either here or in the Application List will select the same line in both lists, but nothing else will happen. It can be useful for other actions performed by the buttons to the right, though.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">New Extension</a></span><span class="style29">This adds a new extension and application to the lists.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Redefine App</a></span><span class="style29">This will redefine which application is used to open files with the selected extension.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Change Extension</a></span><span class="style29">This will change the extension that a particular line refers to.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Launch</a></span><span class="style29">This will launch the selected application.</span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Delete</a></span><span class="style29">This will delete the selected line from the lists.</span><span class="style30">Link Pretext</span><span class="style29">This lists everything that may precede a local link to another part of your web site, and is used for the Link Checker found in the File Manager. The links that follow the statements are assumed to be in quotes. Nothing but a link, be it local or distant, should be able to follow anything listed in this list.</span><span class="style30">Buttons</span><span class="style29">All the buttons at the bottom of the Extended Controls screen except the last one concern the part of the controls which deals with tags. Those buttons are documented farther up in the help, but you can get to that documentation by clicking on the index lines to the right anyway.</span><span class="style33"></span><span class="style29"></span><span class="style27"><a href="#" class="group">Close Controls</a></span><span class="style29">This button will take you to the main editor, which you normally see on opening Cobwebber. </span><span class="style24">Help</span><span class="style29">Help is where you can find all of Cobwebber's documentation in a navigable and printable form. Welcome. If you need any help with its interface, you'll find it in the following text of it.</span><span class="style30">Main Text</span><span class="style29">This is what you're reading from now, where the actual text of “Help” resides. It always contains the whole text, rather than having the text of the selected topic only. There are two helps, one here, covering the workings of Cobwebber, and one, called “Language Help”, covering my tag language, and, in future, some help on HTML.</span><span class="style32">Underlined Parts</span><span class="style29">The parts of the help that are underlined with a thick, gray, underline are like buttons in the text. Click on them, and several things may happen. Most likely, you will go to another part of Cobwebber and see a spider come down from the top of the screen and swing back and forth over whatever was discussed in the text whose title you clicked.</span><span class="style30">Help Menu</span><span class="style29">This is another pop-up menu, and is not the list which is under the words “Help Menu”. Rather, you must pull it down like a normal menu. Following is a list of the menu-items and what they do.</span><span class="style32">Language Help</span><span class="style29">This will take you to the portion of the help covering languages. It currently covers the tag language, and I hope to add an introduction to HTML sometime, too.</span><span class="style32">Print</span><span class="style29">This will print all or part of the help, depending on your selection from its submenu. I'm afraid that it will </span><span class="style33">not</span><span class="style29"> offer a dialog box asking for settings, which I don't know how to invoke.</span><span class="style33">Whole Document</span><span class="style29">This will print all the Main Help when here and all the Language Help when there.</span><span class="style33">Selected Topic</span><span class="style29">To use this, first select a topic in the topics listing. Then select this option from the menu. It will print the selected subject, including all sub-subjects. For instance, if </span><span class="style14">Help</span><span class="style29"> is selected, then everything in the help on help, all the way through the stuff on Topics Listing, will be printed. However, if </span><span class="style3">Selected Topic</span><span class="style29">, which you are reading, is selected, only its own text will be printed.</span><span class="style32">Exit To</span><span class="style29">Go to the part of Cobwebber that you select from the submenu.</span><span class="style32">Close Help</span><span class="style29">Go back to the last place you were. Unfortunately, this includes cards you go to when you use the spider.</span><span class="style30">Topics Listing</span><span class="style29">Gives a list of all the topics discussed in the help. The one here doesn't cover Language Help, and vice versa. A topic under a higher topic will go one level down in style, from shadowed to underlined and bold, to plain bold, to plain. There is no particular style for topics that don't have subtopics as opposed to those that do, they just climb down the deeper they are. Click on a topic to see it visible in the Help text. Its selected line doesn't update itself to match where you've scrolled to. Whatever topic you have selected here will define what topic will be printed on the action "Print Selected Topic". The last line, "Close Help", does the same thing as the menu item "Close Help" in the Help Menu.</span><span class="style24">Credits</span><span class="style33">Cobwebber </span><span class="style29">is by </span><span class="style33">Ian Krieg </span><span class="style29">(me), and is a production of </span><span class="style33">Tilian Technologies uninc</span><span class="style29">. Contact me at </span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">mailto:ikrieg@rc.net</a></span><span class="style29">, or visit my web site at </span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">http://www.ypsi1.com/ikrieg/index.htm</a></span><span class="style29">.Cobwebber 3.0 © 1997 - 1998 by Tilian Technologies</span><span class="style33">Beta Testing</span><span class="style29">Many thanks to my beta testers, who found many disturbing errors for me. They were:Brian Russel <</span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">mailto:bps@global.co.za</a></span><span class="style29">>Andre Tremblay <</span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">mailto:Andre@PhotoGraphex.com</a></span><span class="style29">>Andre Spierings <</span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">mailto:omgang@internex.net.au</a></span><span class="style29">>Michael Pease <</span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">mailto:mp2@myhome.net</a></span><span class="style29">>Julien <</span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">mailto:julien@ufp.uqam.ca</a></span><span class="style29">>Joseba Aguayo Fernandez <</span><span class="style31"><a href="#" class="group">mailto:jaguayo@eve.es</a></span><span class="style29">>Here are the various other credits, which many people probably won't want to read, but which I still need to include.</span><span class="style33">FullMove</span><span class="style29">, </span><span class="style33">FullRename</span><span class="style29">, </span><span class="style33">SetFInfo</span><span class="style29">, </span><span class="style33">FileCopy</span><span class="style29">, and </span><span class="style33">EraseFile</span><span class="style29"> XCMDs</span><span class="style33">GetDir</span><span class="style29">, </span><span class="style33">ListSelect</span><span class="style29">, </span><span class="style33">StrWidth</span><span class="style29">, and </span><span class="style33">FullFind</span><span class="style29"> XFCNs© </span><span class="style33">Frederic Rinaldi</span><span class="style29"> Free for non-commercial use. Use in commercial software subjected to prior acknowledgement and licensing from the author, reachable at the following network addresses:</span><span class="style33">AppleLink</span><span class="style29">: RINALDI1 </span><span class="style33"> CalvaCom</span><span class="style29"> : FR10</span><span class="style33">Compuserve</span><span class="style29"> : 71170,2111 </span><span class="style33">Internet</span><span class="style29"> : fredos@apple.com_____________________________________________</span><span class="style33">LaunchURL</span><span class="style29"> and </span><span class="style33">BalloonHelp</span><span class="style29"> XCMDs</span><span class="style33">Compare</span><span class="style29">, </span><span class="style33">LowerText</span><span class="style29">, </span><span class="style33">PickColor</span><span class="style29">, and </span><span class="style33">Uppertext</span><span class="style29"> XFCNs© </span><span class="style33">Matthias Kahlert</span><span class="style29"> Cost for use of externals in your Hypercard stacks is one postcard of your town to him in Germany, and that pays for everything.</span><span class="style33">Internet </span><span class="style29">: mkahlert@kagi.com_____________________________________________</span><span class="style33">HPopUpMenu</span><span class="style29"> XCMD© </span><span class="style33">Jon Pugh</span><span class="style29"> 1989 - 1995 It may be used freely as long as no money is charged for it or any product that contains it. Licences to use this in commercial stacks available.</span><span class="style33">Internet </span><span class="style29">: jonpugh@netcom.com</span></text>
<text>F1 ΓÇö HelpF2 ΓÇö Main EditorF3 ΓÇö File ManagerF4 ΓÇö Extended Controls:In the Main Editor, select text and press tab to insert a tag.:In the Main Editor, select text and press command-R to follow a local or remote link.:The Extended Controls is the best place to make your new tags.</text>
<script>on mouseupput word 2 of the selectedline of me into aset the itemdelimiter to numtochar(243)put item 1 of line a of cd fld tags of cd 1 into cd fld beforeput item 2 of line a of cd fld tags of cd 1 into cd fld afterset the itemdelimiter to commaend mouseupon mousedownmouseupend mousedownon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(221,221)end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on exitfieldrepeat while the last char of me = returndelete the last char of meend repeatrepeat until offset (return,me) = 0put offset (return,me) into iif char i of me = return then put "çR" into char i of meend repeatset the itemdelimiter to numtochar(243)put word 2 of the selectedline of cd fld taglist into liput me into item 1 of line li of cd fld tags of cd 1set the itemdelimiter to commaend exitfieldon tabkeyexitfieldpass tabkeyend tabkeyon closefieldexitfieldend closefieldon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(224,224)end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on exitfieldrepeat while the last char of me = returndelete the last char of meend repeatrepeat until offset (return,me) = 0put offset (return,me) into iif char i of me = return then put "çR" into char i of meend repeatset the itemdelimiter to numtochar(243)put word 2 of the selectedline of cd fld taglist into lput me into item 2 of line l of cd fld tags of cd 1set the itemdelimiter to commaend exitfieldon tabkeyexitfieldpass tabkeyend tabkeyon closefieldexitfieldend closefieldon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(227,227)end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on mouseUpanswer "Delete!? Is that what you really want?" with "No" or "OK"if it = no then exit mouseupput word 2 of the selectedline of cd fld taglist into adelete line a of cd fld taglistdelete line a of cd fld taglist of cd 1delete line a of cd fld tags of cd 1--send mouseup to cd btn "Update All"end mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(233,233)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Update All</name>
<script>on mouseUpput cd fld taglist of cd 1 into cd fld taglistselect line one of cd fld taglistset the itemdelimiter to numtochar(243)put item 1 of line 1 of cd fld tags of cd 1 into cd fld beforeput item 2 of line 1 of cd fld tags of cd 1 into cd fld afterset the itemdelimiter to commaend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(250,250)end mouseEnter</script>
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<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<name>New Tag</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal listSelectExitask "What would you like to call it?"put it into naimput listselect("1#",cd fld Taglist,"Which tag would you like it after?",OK,Beginning) into aif listSelectExit = "Beginning" then put 0 into aif a = 0 thenput naim&return before line 1 of cd fld taglistput naim&return before line 1 of cd fld taglist of cd 1put numtochar(243)&return before line 1 of cd fld tags of cd 1elseput return&naim after line a of cd fld taglistput return&naim after line a of cd fld taglist of cd 1put return&numtochar(243) after line a of cd fld tags of cd 1end if-- set the itemdelimiter to numtochar(243)-- ask "What would you like to put before the cursor/selected text?"-- put it into item 1 of line numb of cd fld tags of cd 1-- ask "What would you like to put after the cursor/selected text?"-- put it into item 2 of line numb of cd fld tags of cd 1-- set the itemdelimiter to comma--send mouseup to cd btn "Update All"select line a + 1 of cd fld taglistsend mouseup to cd fld taglistend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(230,230)end mouseEnter</script>
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<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
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<name>Close Controls</name>
<script>on mouseUpgo to cd 1end mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(313,313)end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on tabkeyput char 1 to 2 of me into meput hextonum (me) into aput a * 257 into item 1 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,3,cd fld RealColoraddcolor colorcardend tabkeyon closefieldtabkeyend closefieldon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(262,262)end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on tabkeyput char 1 to 2 of me into meput hextonum (me) into aput a * 257 into item 3 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,3,cd fld RealColoraddcolor colorcardend tabkeyon closefieldtabkeyend closefieldon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(262,262)end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on tabkeyput char 1 to 2 of me into meput hextonum (me) into aput a * 257 into item 2 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,3,cd fld RealColoraddcolor colorcardend tabkeyon closefieldtabkeyend closefieldon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(262,262)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Red CNTL</name>
<script>on mouseUpif the mouseh < item 1 of the loc of me thenput hextonum(cd fld red) into aadd 1 to aif a > 257 thenput 257 into abeepend ifput numtohex (a) into aif the number of chars in a = 1 thenput "0"&a into aend ifput a into cd fld redelseput hextonum(cd fld red) into asubtract 1 from aif a < 0 thenput 0 into abeepend ifput numtohex (a) into aif the number of chars in a = 1 thenput "0"&a into aend ifput a into cd fld redend ifsend tabkey to cd fld redend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(268,268)end mouseEnter</script>
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<showName> <false /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
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<name>Green CNTL</name>
<script>on mouseUpif the mouseh < item 1 of the loc of me thenput hextonum(cd fld green) into aadd 1 to aif a > 257 thenput 257 into abeepend ifput numtohex (a) into aif the number of chars in a = 1 thenput "0"&a into aend ifput a into cd fld greenelseput hextonum(cd fld green) into asubtract 1 from aif a < 0 thenput 0 into abeepend ifput numtohex (a) into aif the number of chars in a = 1 thenput "0"&a into aend ifput a into cd fld greenend ifsend tabkey to cd fld greenend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(268,268)end mouseEnter</script>
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<enabled> <true /> </enabled>
<showName> <false /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<name>Blue CNTL</name>
<script>on mouseUpif the mouseh < item 1 of the loc of me thenput hextonum(cd fld blue) into aadd 1 to aif a > 257 thenput 257 into abeepend ifput numtohex (a) into aif the number of chars in a = 1 thenput "0"&a into aend ifput a into cd fld blueelseput hextonum(cd fld blue) into asubtract 1 from aif a < 0 thenput 0 into abeepend ifput numtohex (a) into aif the number of chars in a = 1 thenput "0"&a into aend ifput a into cd fld blueend ifsend tabkey to cd fld blueend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(268,268)end mouseEnter</script>
<visible> <true /> </visible>
<reserved5> 0 </reserved5>
<reserved4> 0 </reserved4>
<reserved3> 0 </reserved3>
<reserved2> 0 </reserved2>
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<enabled> <true /> </enabled>
<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<script>on mouseUpclick at the loc of cd fld redclick at the loc of cd fld redend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(274,274)end mouseEnter</script>
<visible> <true /> </visible>
<reserved5> 0 </reserved5>
<reserved4> 0 </reserved4>
<reserved3> 0 </reserved3>
<reserved2> 0 </reserved2>
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<enabled> <true /> </enabled>
<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<script>on mouseUpclick at the loc of cd fld blueclick at the loc of cd fld blueend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(274,274)end mouseEnter</script>
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<reserved5> 0 </reserved5>
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<enabled> <true /> </enabled>
<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<script>on mouseUpclick at the loc of cd fld greenclick at the loc of cd fld greenend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(274,274)end mouseEnter</script>
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<reserved5> 0 </reserved5>
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<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
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<name>Copy Color</name>
<script>on mouseUprepeat with i = 1 to 3if i = 1 thenput "red" into xelse if i = 2 thenput "green" into xelse if i = 3 thenput "blue" into xend ifif the number of chars in cd fld x = 1 thenput "0"&cd fld x into cd fld xelse if the number of chars in cd fld x = 0 thenput "00" into cd fld xelse if the number of chars in cd fld x > 2 thenput char 1 to 2 of cd fld x into cd fld xend ifend repeatput cd fld red&cd fld green&cd fld blue into the clipboardend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(277,277)end mouseEnter</script>
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<reserved5> 0 </reserved5>
<reserved4> 0 </reserved4>
<reserved3> 0 </reserved3>
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<enabled> <true /> </enabled>
<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<name>Saved Colors</name>
<script>on mouseUpput the selectedtext of me into aput item 2 of a into cd fld redput item 3 of a into cd fld greenput item 4 of a into cd fld blueput char 1 to 2 of cd fld red into cd fld redput hextonum (cd fld red) into aput a * 257 into item 1 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,1,cd fld RealColorput char 1 to 2 of cd fld green into cd fld greenput hextonum (cd fld green) into aput a * 257 into item 2 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,1,cd fld RealColorput char 1 to 2 of cd fld blue into cd fld blueput hextonum (cd fld blue) into aput a * 257 into item 3 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,3,cd fld Realcoloraddcolor colorcardend mouseUpon mousedownsort meend mousedownon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(259,259)end mouseEnter</script>
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<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<name>Save Color</name>
<script>on mouseUpask "What would you like to save the color as (any commas will be turned into colons)?"if the result = "Cancel" then exit mouseupput it into arepeat with i = 1 to the number of chars in aif char i of a = "," thenput ":" into char i of aend ifend repeatrepeat with i = 1 to 3if i = 1 thenput "red" into xelse if i = 2 thenput "green" into xelse if i = 3 thenput "blue" into xend ifif the number of chars in cd fld x = 1 thenput "0"&cd fld x into cd fld xelse if the number of chars in cd fld x = 0 thenput "00" into cd fld xelse if the number of chars in cd fld x > 2 thenput char 1 to 2 of cd fld x into cd fld xend ifend repeatput return&a&","&cd fld red&","&cd fld green&","&cd fld blue after the last line of cd btn "Saved Colors"end mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(265,265)end mouseEnter</script>
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<reserved5> 0 </reserved5>
<reserved4> 0 </reserved4>
<reserved3> 0 </reserved3>
<reserved2> 0 </reserved2>
<reserved1> 0 </reserved1>
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<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<name>Rename Tag</name>
<script>on mouseUpput word 2 of the selectedline of cd fld taglist into aask "What would you like to rename"&&line a of cd fld taglist&&"as?"with line a of cd fld taglistif the result = cancel then exit mouseupput it into line a of cd fld taglistput it into line a of cd fld taglist of cd 1end mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(247,247)end mouseEnter</script>
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<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<name>Move Tag</name>
<script>-- on mouseUp-- answer "After you click OK, move the mouse up and down until the right tag to put this tag after is selected. Then click."-- put word two of the selectedline of cd fld taglist into a-- put word two of the selectedline of cd fld taglist into c-- put the mousev into b-- repeat until the mouse is down-- if the mousev > b then add 1 to a-- if the mousev < b then subtract 1 from a-- select line a of cd fld taglist-- put the mousev into b-- end repeat-- put line c of cd fld taglist into d-- delete line c of cd fld taglist-- if a > c then subtract 1 from a-- if a < 1 then-- put d&return after line a of cd fld taglist-- delete line c of cd fld taglist of cd 1-- put d&return after line a of cd fld taglist of cd 1-- put line c of cd fld tags of cd 1 into d-- delete line c of cd fld tags of cd 1-- put d&return after line a of cd fld tags of cd 1-- else-- put return&d after line a of cd fld taglist-- delete line c of cd fld taglist of cd 1-- put return&d after line a of cd fld taglist of cd 1-- put line c of cd fld tags of cd 1 into d-- delete line c of cd fld tags of cd 1-- put return&d after line a of cd fld tags of cd 1-- end if-- end mouseUpon MouseUpglobal listSelectExitput word 2 of the selectedline of cd fld taglist into cput listselect("1#",cd fld Taglist,"s="&c,"Which item would you like it after?",OK,Beginning) into aif listSelectExit = "Beginning" then put 0 into aput line c of cd fld taglist into dput line c of cd fld tags of cd 1 into eif a = 0 thendelete line c of cd fld taglistdelete line c of cd fld taglist of cd 1delete line c of cd fld tags of cd 1put d&return before line 1 of cd fld taglistput d&return before line 1 of cd fld taglist of cd 1put e&return before line 1 of cd fld tags of cd 1elseput "<!--Delete This!-->" into line c of cd fld taglistput "<!--Delete This!-->" into line c of cd fld taglist of cd 1put "<!--Delete This!-->" into line c of cd fld tags of cd 1put return&d after line a of cd fld taglistput return&d after line a of cd fld taglist of cd 1put return&e after line a of cd fld tags of cd 1if line c - 1 of cd fld taglist = "<!--Delete This!-->" thensubtract 1 from celse if line c + 1 of cd fld taglist = "<!--Delete This!-->" thenadd 1 to cend ifdelete line c of cd fld taglistdelete line c of cd fld taglist of cd 1delete line c of cd fld tags of cd 1end ifend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(244,244)end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>on mouseUplock screengo to card id 5617addcolor colorcard, dissolve--speak "Help is on the way!"end mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(316,316)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Use Color Picker</name>
<script>on mouseUpput pickcolor ("Choose a color to be transformed into hex.",¬hextonum (cd fld red) * 257,hextonum (cd fld green) * 257,¬hextonum (cd fld blue) * 257) into c--cif c = "Cancel" then exit mouseUpput numtohex (item 1 of c / 257) into cd fld redput numtohex (item 2 of c / 257) into cd fld greenput numtohex (item 3 of c / 257) into cd fld blueput char 1 to 2 of cd fld red into cd fld redput hextonum (cd fld red) into aput a * 257 into item 1 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,1,cd fld RealColorput char 1 to 2 of cd fld green into cd fld greenput hextonum (cd fld green) into aput a * 257 into item 2 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,1,cd fld RealColorput char 1 to 2 of cd fld blue into cd fld blueput hextonum (cd fld blue) into aput a * 257 into item 3 of cd fld RealColoraddcolor changeobjectcolor,cd,3,cd fld Realcoloraddcolor colorcardend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(280,280)end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on mouseUpdelete the selectedline of cd btn "Saved Colors"end mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(271,271)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Redefine App</name>
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<name>Export Tags</name>
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<name>Load Folder</name>
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<name>> Copy ></name>
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<name>> Move ></name>
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<name>Close File Manager</name>
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<name>Case Sensitive</name>
<script>on mouseUpif the hilite of me is false thenset the enabled of cd btn "All Lower case" to falseset the enabled of cd btn "All Upper case" to falseset the enabled of cd btn "Mixed Case" to falseelseset the enabled of cd btn "All Lower case" to trueset the enabled of cd btn "All Upper case" to trueset the enabled of cd btn "Mixed Case" to trueend ifend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(179,179)end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on mouseUpget line 1 of cd fld pathsdelete the last char of itput it&&"Cobwebber Specs" into pathopen file pathwrite "√" to file path at 0if the hilite of cd btn "Case Sensitive" = true thenwrite "1" to file path at 1elsewrite "0" to file path at 1end ifif the hilite of cd btn "Extension Necessary" = true thenwrite "1" to file path at 2elsewrite "0" to file path at 2end ifif the hilite of cd btn "All Upper Case" = true thenwrite "1" to file path at 3else if the hilite of cd btn "All Lower Case" = true thenwrite "0" to file path at 3else if the hilite of cd btn "Mixed Case" = true thenwrite "2" to file path at 3end ifif the number of chars in cd fld "main#" = 2 thenwrite cd fld "main#" to file path at 4else if the number of chars in cd fld "main#" = 1 thenwrite 0&cd fld "main#" to file path at 4else if the number of chars in cd fld "main#" = 0 thenwrite 00 to file path at 4end ifif the number of chars in cd fld "ext#" = 2 thenwrite cd fld "ext#" to file path at 6else if the number of chars in cd fld "ext#" = 1 thenwrite 0&cd fld "ext#" to file path at 6else if the number of chars in cd fld "ext#" = 0 thenwrite 00 to file path at 6end ifclose file pathsetFinfo path,"t=Fold","C=CWbr"end mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(173,173)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Revert Specs</name>
<script>on mouseUpget line 1 of cd fld pathsdelete the last char of itput it&&"Cobwebber Specs" into pathif there is not a file path thendefspecselseopen file pathread from file path at 1 until endput it into fyleclose file pathif char 1 of fyle = 1 thenset the hilite of cd btn "Case Sensitive" to trueelseset the hilite of cd btn "Case Sensitive" to falseend ifend ifend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(176,176)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>…and Local Links</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal baddies,fixfils,checknum,filenumput 0 into checknumput "0% of the way done. ( 0 / "&filenum&&")" into the msg box-- put "0,0,0,0,0,0" into msg boxput "" into baddiesput "" into fixfilsif the optionkey is up thensend mouseup to cd btn "Check File Names"end ifput round (filenum) into filenumput "0% of the way done. ( 0 / "&filenum&&")" into the msg boxlinkcheckplay harpsichord tempo 200 "cq de d fw"--put listselect("1#",baddies,"s="&sl,"These are all the unfixed errors.","Insert",return) into aput listselect("1#",fixfils,"s="&sl,"These are all the rewritten files.",return) into aend mouseUpon linkcheckput line 1 of cd fld paths into loc--put getdir (loc,"f") into c--filecheck loclinkdirfollow locend linkcheckon linkdirfollow lokput getdir (lok,"d") into alinknamecheck lok, getdir (lok,"F")repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in aset cursor to docstring ()linkdirfollow (lok&line i of a)end repeatend linkdirfollowon linknamecheck mpath,efglobal redid,fixfils,check,filenum,checknum--openinfo,extsset the itemdelimiter to colonput the last item of mpathset the itemdelimiter to commaif the hilite of cd btn "Check Non-Cobwebber Files" = false thenrepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in cd fld exts of cd "EC"if line i of cd fld openinfo of cd "EC" = "..Me.." thenput (line i of cd fld exts of cd "EC")&space after extlistend ifend repeatend ifrepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in efadd 1 to checknumput round(((checknum / filenum) * 100))&"%" into word 1 of the msg boxput checknum into word 7 of the msg boxset cursor to docstring ()put 0 into redidput 1 into runcheckif the hilite of cd btn "Check Non-Cobwebber Files" = false thenset the itemdelimiter to "."if extlist contains the last item of line i of ef&space thenput 1 into runcheckelseput 0 into runcheckend ifset the itemdelimiter to commaend ifif runcheck = 1 then-- put line i of ef into the last item of the msg boxopen file mpath&line i of efread from file mpath&line i of ef until endput it into checkclose file mpath&line i of efput check into freezerepeat with L = 1 to the number of lines in cd fld Links of cd ECset cursor to docstring ()put line L of cd fld Links of cd EC into pre--put pre into item 4 of the msg box --deb--put l into item 5 of the msg box -- debput fullfind(check,pre,false,true,false) into LLrepeat with li = 1 to the number of lines in LLset the cursor to docstring ()put item 1 of line li of LL into lockadd (the number of chars in pre) + 1 to lockput lock into lock2repeat until char Lock2 of check = quote or char Lock2 of check = "#"add 1 to lock2if lock2 > the number of chars in check thenbeepanswer "An error has been found in the code of the file"&&line li of ef&&". Please check it when this check is done."exit repeatend ifend repeatput char lock to lock2 - 1 of check into checkitif checkit contains "://" or checkit contains "mailto:" thenelseif checkit contains "#" thendelete char (offset ("#",checkit)) to (the number of chars in checkit) of checkitend ifput redid into redidtemplinkexam mpath,checkit,check,lock,lock2 - 2,mpath&line i of efif redid <> redidtemp thenput fullfind(check,pre,false,true,false) into LLend ifend ifend repeatend repeat-- if compare (check,freeze) = false then-- put 1 into doit-- else-- put 0 into doit-- end ifif redid > 0 then--put listselect("1#",ef,"s="&i,"These are the files available.","Insert",return) into unused--add 1 to item 2 of the msg box --debopen file mpath&line i of efwrite check to file mpath&line i of ef at 0close file mpath&line i of efput mpath&line i of ef&return after fixfilsend if--add 1 to item 3 of the msg box ---- debend ifend repeatend linknamecheckon linkexam mpath,link,doc,begin,wend,doclocput link into thecoldrepeat while link contains "/"put ":" into char (offset ("/",link)) of linkend repeatset the itemdelimiter to colonrepeat while link contains "..:"delete char (offset("..:",link)) to (offset("..:",link) + 2) of linkdelete the last item of mpathend repeatput mpath&link into linkput the last item of link into linkrootif the last char of link = ":" thenif cd fld "ext#" = 3 thenput "index.htm" after linkput "index.htm" into linkrootelseput "index.html" into linkrootput "index.html" after linkend ifend ifput link into pathydelete the last item of pathyset the itemdelimiter to commaif there is a file link thenif the hilite of cd btn "Case Sensitive" is true thenput getdir (pathy,"f") into listput 0 into drepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in listif line i of list = linkroot thenput 1 into dexit repeatend ifend repeatif d = 0 thenlinkgone link,"**"&linkroot&&"NA2"exit linkexamend ifif compare(linkroot,line i of list) = false thenif the hilite of cd btn "All Lower case" is true thenreplace doc,begin,wend,lowertext (thecold)elsereplace doc,begin,wend,uppertext (thecold)end if--linkgone link,"CW"end ifend ifelselinkgone link,"NA",docloc,doc,begin,wendend ifend linkexamon linkgone link,c,docloc,doc,beg,ndglobal baddies-- set the itemdelimiter to colon-- put the last item of link&return after baddies-- set the itemdelimiter to commaput link&c&return after baddiesset the itemdelimiter to colonput docloc into locdocdelete the last item of locdocif the last char of locdoc <> colon thenput colon after locdocend ifput link into linkerdelete item 1 to (the number of items in line 1 of cd fld paths) of linkerput docloc into lockerdelete item 1 to (the number of items in line 1 of cd fld paths) of lockerbeepput filelog (,locdoc,"The link to"&&linker&&"in the file"&&locker&&"is invalid. Choose something else:") into step1if step1 = "" then exit linkgoneput 0 into dput 1 into iput step1 into step2put docloc into docloc2set the itemdelimiter to colonrepeat until d = 1if item 1 of docloc2 = item 1 of step2 thendelete item 1 of step2delete item 1 of docloc2add 1 to ielseput 1 into dend ifend repeatput step2 into step3-- replaces the Mac's colons with the webwide standard of /srepeat until offset (":",step3) = 0put "/" into char offset (colon,step3) of step3end repeatif the number of items in step2 Γëñ the number of items in docloc2 thenrepeat with i = 1 to (the number of items in step2) - 1put "../" before step3end repeatend ifrepeat with i = 1 to ((the number of items in docloc2) - (the number of items in step2))put "../" before step3end repeatreplace doc,beg,nd,step3set the itemdelimiter to commaend linkgoneon replace doc,begin,endl,repglobal redid,checkadd 1 to redid-- put rep into char begin to endl + 1 of doc-- put doc into checkput rep into char begin to endl + 1 of checkend replaceon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(212,212)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Check File Names</name>
<script>on mouseUpanswer "This isn't available until you've registered. Would you like"&¬" more information on registration?" with "Not Yet" or "Registration"if it = "Registration" thengo to cd id 5257end ifend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(209,209)end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on mouseUpend mouseUpon mouseEnterballoonHelp "This option determines whether the local link checker will check files not openable by Cobwebber, including graphics files. :-)"end mouseEnter</script>
<text><span class="style12"> Letters Before .# of Letters Between .</span></text>
<script>on opendir col, npath,desput des + 1 into colaput npath into cset the itemdelimiter to colonif the number of items of c - the number of items in line 1 of cd fld paths > 0 thenput "<Higher Directory>"&return&getdir (npath,"d") into cd fld ("dir"&col)repeat with i = 2 to the number of lines in cd fld ("dir"&col)if the last char of line i of cd fld ("dir"&col) = colon thendelete the last char of line i of cd fld ("dir"&col)end ifend repeatelseput getdir (npath,"d") into cd fld ("dir"&col)repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in cd fld ("dir"&col)if the last char of line i of cd fld ("dir"&col) = colon thendelete the last char of line i of cd fld ("dir"&col)end ifend repeatend ifput getdir (npath,"f") into cd fld ("fil"&col)set the itemdelimiter to colonput the number of items in line 1 of cd fld paths into bdelete item 1 to b of npathif char 1 of npath = colon then delete char 1 of npathif the last char of npath = colon or npath = "" thenput npath into line col + 1 of cd fld pathselseput npath&colon into line col + 1 of cd fld pathsend ifput the number of items in npath into bput "" into cd btn (Heir&cola-1)repeat with i = 1 to bput item b of npath into line i of cd btn (Heir&des)subtract 1 from bend repeatput return&the last item of line 1 of cd fld paths after the last line of cd btn (Heir&des)if line 1 of cd btn (Heir&des) = "" thendelete line 1 of cd btn (Heir&des)end ifselect line 1 of cd btn (Heir&cola-1)set the itemdelimiter to commaend opendiron defspecsput "8" into cd fld "Main#"put "4" into cd fld "Ext#"put "20" into cd fld "Ext#"set the hilite of cd btn "Case Sensitive" to trueset the hilite of cd btn "Extension Necessary" to trueset the hilite of cd btn "Mixed Case" to trueend defspecson colormeAddColor colorCard,irisOpen,30end colorme</script>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<script>on tabkeyglobal rep,mloc,undostuff,undoinfoput me into undostuffput "Main,1" into undoinfoput "" into repput the selectedchunk into mlocput word 2 of mloc into iput word 4 of mloc into oput char i to o of me into char i of repif the shiftkey is down thencharInsertexit tabkeyend ifput the selectedline of cd fld taglist into slput word 2 of sl into slput listselect("1#",cd fld taglist,"s="&sl,"Pick a tag to insert around the selected text:","Insert",return) into seltif listselectexit = Cancel then exit tabkeyselect line selt of cd fld taglistsend mousedoubleclick to cd fld taglist--show cd fld taglistend tabkey-- on arrowkey key-- put the selectedchunk into temp-- put word 2 of temp into a-- put word 4 of temp into b-- if key = right then-- add 1 to a-- select before char a of cd fld main-- else if key = left then-- subtract 1 from a-- select before char a of cd fld main-- else if key = down then-- else-- exit arrowkey-- end if-- end arrowkeyon keydownglobal undoinfoput "" into undoinfopass keydownend keydownon charInsertglobal rep,mloc,undostuff,undoinforepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in cd fld "Special Characters"put item 1 of line i of cd fld "Special Characters" into line i of ¬listerend repeatput listselect("*1#",lister,"s="&sl,"Pick a symbol whose code you'd like to insert:","Insert",return,"Helvetica,14") into seltif listselectexit = Cancel then exit charInsertput item 3 of line selt of cd fld "Special Characters" into aput word 2 of mloc into iput word 4 of mloc into oput a into char i to o of cd fld Mainend charInserton mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(85,86)&return&"See the Help"end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Open Text File…</name>
<script>-- on mouseUp-- global cpath-- if cpath <> "" and cd fld main <> cd fld checkers then-- answer "Would you like to save first?" with "Cancel" or "No" or "Yes"-- if it = "Yes" then-- open file cpath-- write cd fld main to file cpath-- close file cpath-- else if it = "Cancel" then-- exit mouseup-- end if-- end if-- answer file "Choose a file to edit in HTML:" of type text-- if the result = "Cancel" then exit mouseup-- put it into cpath-- open file cpath-- read from file cpath until eof-- put it into cd fld main-- close file cpath-- put cpath&return before the first line of cd fld paths-- set the itemdelimiter to colon-- put the last item of cpath&return into Chrissy2-- put 1 into d-- repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in cd fld files-- if line i of cd fld files = Chrissy2 then-- put 0 into d-- end if-- end repeat-- if d = 1 then put Chrissy2 before the first line of cd fld files-- set the itemdelimiter to colon-- select line 1 of cd fld files-- repeat with i = 2 to the number of lines of cd fld files-- if line i of cd fld files = the last item of cpath then-- delete line i of me-- subtract 1 from i-- end if-- end repeat-- set the itemdelimiter to comma-- put the first line of cd fld files into cd fld title-- set the width of cd fld title to the number of chars in cd fld title * 10-- set the scroll of cd fld main to 0-- put cd fld main into cd fld checkers-- end mouseUpon mouseUpglobal cpathif checkf = 0 then exit mouseupanswer file "Choose a file to edit in HTML:" of type textif the result = Cancel then exit mouseupopend itend mouseUp</script>
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<name>Save this file</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal cpathif cpath = "" thenask file "What? Where?!!"if the result = "Cancel" then exit mouseupput it into cpathput cpath&return before the first line of cd fld pathsset the itemdelimiter to colonput the last item of cpath&return into Chrissy2put 1 into drepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in cd fld filesif line i of cd fld files = Chrissy2 thenput 0 into dend ifend repeatif d = 1 then put Chrissy2 before the first line of cd fld filesset the itemdelimiter to colonselect line 1 of cd fld filesrepeat with i = 2 to the number of lines of cd fld filesif line i of cd fld files = the last item of cpath thendelete line i of mesubtract 1 from iend ifend repeatset the itemdelimiter to commaput the first line of cd fld files into cd fld titleset the width of cd fld title to the number of chars in cd fld title * 10set the scroll of cd fld main to 0end ifopen file cpathwrite cd fld main to file cpathclose file cpathput cd fld main into cd fld checkersend mouseUp</script>
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<name>Close this file</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal cpathput cd fld main into arepeat while the last char of a = returndelete the last char of aend repeatput a into cd fld mainif cd fld main Γëá cd fld checkers then answer "Would you like to save first?" with "Cancel" or "No" or "Yes"if it = "Yes" thenopen file cpathwrite cd fld main to file cpathclose file cpathelse if it = "Cancel" thenexit mouseupend ifput "" into cpathput "" into cd fld mainput "" into cd fld TItleput "" into cd fld checkersset the width of cd fld Title to 0set the icon of me to "Close Box 0"end mouseUpon mousedownset the icon of me to "Close Box X"end mousedownon mouseLeaveset the icon of me to "Close Box 0"end mouseLeaveon mousestilldownif the mouseloc is within the rect of me thenset the icon of me to "Close Box X"elseset the icon of me to "Close Box 0"end ifend mousestilldown</script>
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<name>Save as…</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal cpathask file "What would you like to call your new file?"if the result = "Cancel" then exit mouseupput it into cpathopen file cpathwrite cd fld main to file cpathclose file cpathend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUpglobal rep,mlocput the selectedtext of cd fld main into repput the selectedchunk into mlocshow cd fld taglistend mouseUpon contglobal rep,mloc,repusedput word 2 of the selectedline of cd fld "Taglist" into linhide cd fld taglistif the selectedtext of cd fld "Taglist" ≠ "Cancel" thenlock screenput word 2 of mloc into tagloc--set start and end tagsset the itemdelimiter to numtochar(243)put item 1 of line lin of cd fld tags into befput item 2 of line lin of cd fld tags into aftput ¶ before befput ¶ before aftset the itemdelimiter to comma--do special things in tags like link insertment-- repeat with i = 1 to the number of chars in bef-- end repeatput 0 into nobby-- repeat until offset ("ç",bef) = 0-- add 1 to nobby-- put nobby&comma&&offset ("ç",bef)-- put tagger (offset ("ç",bef),bef) into bef-- end repeatput 0 into irepeat until charfind ("ç",bef,i) = 0-- add 1 to nobby-- put nobby&comma&&charfind ("ç",bef,i)set the cursor to busyput charfind ("ç",bef,i)put charfind ("ç",bef,i) + 1 into oput tagger (charfind ("ç",bef,i),bef) into befput o into iend repeatput 0 into irepeat until charfind ("ç",aft,i) = 0set the cursor to busyput charfind ("ç",aft,i) + 1 into oput tagger (charfind ("ç",aft,i),aft) into aftput o into iend repeat--actually insert the tagdelete char word 2 of mloc to word 4 of mloc of cd fld Main--put aft before char o of cd fld maindelete char 1 to (offset ("¶",bef)) of befdelete char 1 to (offset ("¶",aft)) of aftif repused = empty thenput bef&rep&aft before char tagloc of cd fld mainelseput bef&aft before char tagloc of cd fld mainend if--put bef before char o of cd fld mainunlock screenput empty into repusedelsebeepend ifend conton tagerrorbeepanswer "This tag is not functional."exit to Hypercardend tagerrorfunction tagger lock,taglglobal rep,repused,cpathif chartonum (char lock of tagl) ≠ chartonum ("ç") and chartonum (char lock of tagl) ≠ chartonum ("Ç") thenelse if chartonum (char lock + 1 of tagl) = chartonum ("ç") or chartonum (char lock + 1 of tagl) = chartonum ("Ç") then-- script allowing the use of the character "ç" in a tagput "ç" into char lock to (lock + 1) of taglelse if char (lock + 1) of tagl = "[" then--script for optional part of tagput opt (tagl,lock) into taglelse if char (lock + 1) of tagl = "C" then--Color Dynamic Tag Scriptput "this color" into nameif char (lock + 2) of tagl = "ß" thendelete char (lock + 2) of taglif the number of chars in rep = 6 thenput 1 into send ifend ifif char (lock + 2) to (lock + 3) of tagl = "çN" thenput lock + 4 into iput 1 into oput "" into namerepeat until char i of tagl = "ƒ"put char i of tagl into char o of namedelete char i of tagladd 1 to oend repeatdelete char (lock + 2) to i of taglend ifif s = 1 thenanswer "Which would you like to use for"&&name&"?" with rep or "Saved Colors" or "Color Picker"put it into colpickmelseanswer "Which would you like to use for"&&name&"?" with "Enter Hex" or "Saved Colors" or "Color Picker"put it into colpickmend ifif colpickm = rep and s = 1 thenput 1 into repusedput colpickm into char lock to (lock + 1) of taglelse if colpickm = "Enter Hex" thenrepeat until the number of chars of it = 6ask "Enter your hex!"end repeatput it into char lock to (lock + 1) of taglelse if colpickm = "Saved Colors" thenput listselect("1",cd btn "Saved colors"of cd EC,"Which color suits your fancy?",OK,"") into colordelete item 1 of colorif item 1 of color = "" or item 1 of color = "0" thenput "00" into item 1 of colorend ifif item 3 of color = "" or item 3 of color = "0" thenput "00" into item 3 of colorend ifif item 2 of color = "" or item 2 of color = "0" thenput "00" into item 2 of colorend ifput item 1 of color&item 2 of color&item 3 of color into colput col into char lock to (lock + 1) of taglelseput pickcolor ("Choose a color to be hexed.",45535,0,65535) into c--cif c = "" thenput "0,0,0" into cend ifput numtohex (item 1 of c / 257) into colorif number(chars in color) = 1 thenput "0" before colorend ifput numtohex (item 2 of c / 257) after colorif number(chars in color) = 3 thenput "0" before char 3 of colorend ifput numtohex (item 3 of c / 257) after colorif number(chars in color) = 5 thenput "0" before char 5 of colorend ifput color into char lock to (lock + 1) of taglend ifelse if char (lock + 1) of tagl = "F" then--Fill-in text dynamic tag scriptput "this blank" into nameput "something" into sugif char (lock + 2) of tagl = "ß" thendelete char (lock + 2) of taglput 1 into sif rep ≠ empty thenput rep into sugend ifend ifif char (lock + 2) to (lock + 3) of tagl = "çN" thenput lock + 4 into iput 1 into oput "" into namerepeat until char i of tagl = "ƒ"put char i of tagl into char o of namedelete char i of tagladd 1 to oend repeatdelete char (lock + 2) to i of taglend ifask "What would you like for"&&name&"?" with sugput it into texput tex into char lock to (lock + 1) of taglif tex = rep and s = 1 thenput 1 into repusedend ifelse if char (lock + 1) of tagl = "L" then--Link Dynamic Tag Scriptput "this link" into nameput "" into extsif char (lock + 2) of tagl = "ß" thendelete char (lock + 2) of taglif the number of chars in rep > 0 thenput 1 into send ifend ifif char (lock + 2) of tagl = "ƒ" thenput charfind ("ƒ",tagl,lock + 2) into endlocput char (lock + 3) to (endloc - 1) of tagl into extsdelete char (lock + 2) to endloc of taglend ifif char (lock + 2) to (lock + 3) of tagl = "çN" thenput lock + 4 into iput 1 into oput "" into namerepeat until char i of tagl = "ƒ"put char i of tagl into char o of namedelete char i of tagladd 1 to oend repeatdelete char (lock + 2) to i of taglend ifif s = 1 thenput rep into refanswer "Would you like to use the selected text or a file dialog for"&&name&"?" with ref or "Dialog"if it = ref thenput ref into char lock to lock + 1 of taglreturn taglexit taggerend ifend ifif cpath = "" thenanswer "You need to save this file so that I know where it's linking from."send mouseup to cd btn "Save this file"end ifput cpath into Mpathyset the itemdelimiter to colondelete the last item of Mpathyset the itemdelimiter to commaif the last char of Mpathy ≠ colon thenput colon after Mpathyend ifput filelog (exts,Mpathy,"What would you like for"&&name&"?") into step1if step1 = "" then exit taggerput 0 into dput 1 into iput step1 into step2put cpath into docloc2set the itemdelimiter to colonrepeat until d = 1if item 1 of docloc2 = item 1 of step2 thendelete item 1 of step2delete item 1 of docloc2add 1 to ielseput 1 into dend ifend repeatput step2 into step3-- replaces the Mac's colons with the webwide standard of slahes, /srepeat until offset (":",step3) = 0put "/" into char offset (colon,step3) of step3end repeatif the number of items in step2 ≤ the number of items in docloc2 thenrepeat with i = 1 to (the number of items in step2) - 1put "../" before step3end repeatend ifrepeat with i = 1 to ((the number of items in docloc2) - (the number of items in step2))put "../" before step3end repeatset the itemdelimiter to commaput step3 into char lock to lock + 1 of taglelse if char (lock + 1) of tagl = "m" then--Multiplication scriptput "repetitions of this multiplication" into nameput char (lock + 2) to (the number of chars in tagl) of tagl into minitaglput ¶ before minitaglput 0 into iput the number of chars in minitagl into mtarepeat until charfind ("ç",minitagl,i) = 0 or charfind ("µ",minitagl,0) < charfind ("ç",minitagl,i)set the cursor to busyput charfind ("ç",minitagl,i) + 1 into oput tagger (charfind ("ç",minitagl,i),minitagl) into minitaglput o into iend repeatput the number of chars in minitagl -mta into mtaput charfind ("µ",minitagl,0) + lock + 1 into endlocput charfind ("µ",minitagl,0) into endlocbif char endlocb + 1 to endlocb + 2 of minitagl = "çn" thenput char endlocb + 3 to charfind ("ƒ",minitagl,endlocb+2)-1 ¬of minitagl into nameadd (charfind ("ƒ",minitagl,endlocb) - endlocb + 3) - 4 to endlocput (charfind ("ƒ", minitagl, endlocb + 3) + lock - mta) into endloccend ifdelete char (charfind ("µ",minitagl,0)) to (the number of chars ¬in minitagl) of minitagldelete char 1 to (offset ("¶",minitagl)) of minitaglrepeat until it is a numberask "How many"&&name&"?" with "#"end repeatput it into arepeat with i = 1 to abs (a)put minitagl after act4end repeatif act4 ≠ empty thenput act4 into char lock to endlocc of taglelseput "" into char lock to endlocc of taglend ifelse if char (lock + 1) of tagl = "O" then--Multiple choice dynamic tag linkput "this option" into nameput charfind ("ç>",tagl,lock + 2) into bigend--transferring of listrepeat until charfind ("ƒ",tagl,lock + 2) = 0 or charfind ("ƒ",tagl,lock + 2) ≥ bigendput charfind ("ç>",tagl,lock + 2) into bigendif charfind ("ƒ",tagl,lock+2) < bigend thenput return&char lock + 2 to (charfind ("ƒ",tagl,lock+2) - 1) of tagl after listdelete char lock + 2 to charfind ("ƒ",tagl,lock+2) of taglend ifend repeatput return&char lock + 2 to (charfind ("ç>",tagl,lock+2) - 1) of tagl after listdelete char lock + 2 to (charfind ("ç>",tagl,lock+2)) - 1 of tagldelete char lock + 2 to lock + 3 of taglif char lock + 2 to lock + 3 of tagl = "çn" thenput char lock + 4 to (charfind ("ƒ",tagl,lock + 4) - 1) of tagl into namedelete char lock + 2 to charfind ("ƒ",tagl,lock + 4) of taglend ifdelete line 1 of listif the number of lines in list = 3 thenanswer "Which would you like for"&&name&"?" with line 3 of list or line 2 of list or line 1 of listput it into finelse if the number of lines in list = 2 thenanswer "Which would you like for"&&name&"?" with line 2 of list or line 1 of listput it into finelseput listselect("1",list,"s=1","Which would you like for"&&name&"?","Do it",return) into finend ifput fin into char lock to lock + 3 of taglelse if char (lock + 1) of tagl = "R" then--Return dynamic tag scriptif char (lock + 2) of tagl = "ß" thendelete char (lock + 2) of taglend ifput return into char lock to (lock + 1) of taglput 0 before taglelseend ifreturn taglend taggerfunction charfind chara,findita,startif start = "" then put 0 into start-- 0put fullfind (findita, chara,false,false,false,start) into aif a = "" thenput "0" into antselse if chara = "ç" thenput chartonum(char (item 1 of a) of findita) into bput chartonum(chara) into cif ((b =141 or b = 130) and (c = 141 or c = 130)) or item 1 of a¬= 0 thenput item 1 of a into antselseput charFind (chara,findita,item 1 of a +1) into antsend ifelseput item 1 of a into antsend ifreturn antsend charfindfunction opt tagl,lockput 0 into dput lock + 1 into tnlockput 0 into layerrepeat until d = 1--charfind ("ç[",tagl,tnlock) <> charfind ("ç]",tagl,tnlock) and--This loop is a touchy piece of code. I don't advise touching it.if c = 0 thenput the number of lines in (fullfind (tagl,"ç[",false,true,false,¬tnlock+2)) into anumlockput the number of lines in (fullfind (tagl,"ç]",false,true,false,¬tnlock+2)) into bnumlockif anumlock = bnumlock thenput 1 into delseput 1 into cend ifelseput charfind ("ç]",tagl,tnlock) + 2 into tnlockif tnlock < lock then--speak "Stopping"&&tnlocktagerrorelse--speak "Passing"&&tnlockput 0 into cend ifend ifend repeat--answer "TNLock ="&&tnlock&return&char Tnlock - 10 to Tnlock - 1 of tagl&"*"&char TNlock to TNLock + 10 of taglput charfind ("ç]",tagl,tnlock - 3) into wendif char wend + 2 to wend + 3 of tagl = "çN" thenput charfind ("ƒ",tagl,wend +3) into nendput char wend + 4 to nend - 1 of tagl into namedelete char wend + 2 to nend of taglelseput char (lock + 2) to (wend - 1) of tagl into nameend ifanswer "Would you like to"&&name&"?" with "No" or "Yes"if it = No thendelete char lock to wend + 1 of taglput "0" before taglelsedelete char wend to wend + 1 of tagldelete char lock to lock + 1 of taglput "0" before taglend ifreturn taglend opt</script>
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<name>Define MM/Tag</name>
<script>on mouseUpask "What would you like to call it?"if the result = cancel then exit mouseupput it into naimput the number of lines in cd fld taglist into numbadd 1 to numbput naim into line numb of cd fld taglistset the itemdelimiter to numtochar(243)ask "What would you like to put before the cursor/selected text?"if the result = cancel then exit mouseupput it into item 1 of line numb of cd fld tagsask "What would you like to put after the cursor/selected text?"if the result = cancel then exit mouseupput it into item 2 of line numb of cd fld tagsset the itemdelimiter to commaend mouseUp</script>
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<name>Extra Controls</name>
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<name>Find or Replace</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal finde,foundwanswer "Would you like to simply find or find and replace?" with "Cancel" or "Find" or "Replace Too"if it = cancel thenexit mouseupelse if it = "Find" thenask "What would you like to find?" with item 1 of findeif the result = "Cancel" thenexit mouseupend ifsearch itput the selectedtext of cd fld main into locoelseask "What would you like to find?" with item 1 of findeif the result = "Cancel" thenexit mouseupend ifput it into finditask "What would you like to replace it with?"if the result = "Cancel" thenexit mouseupend iflock screenput it into replsearch finditput foundw into locoanswer locoput item 1 of loco into oput repl into char o to item 2 of loco of cd fld Mainunlock screenend ifend mouseUp</script>
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<name>New File…</name>
<script>on mouseUpif checkf () = 0 then exit mouseupask file "Where would you like your new file?" with "index.html"if the result = cancel then exit mouseupput it into pathopen file pathclose file pathopend pathanswer "Would you like to insert a tag initially?" With "No" or "Yes"if it = "Yes" thenglobal rep,mloc,undostuff,undoinfoput cd fld main into undostuffput "Main,1" into undoinfoput "" into repput the selectedline of cd fld taglist into slput word 2 of sl into slput listselect("1#",cd fld taglist,"s="&sl,"Pick a tag to insert around the selected text:","Insert",return) into seltif listselectexit = Cancel then exit mouseupselect line selt of cd fld taglistsend mousedoubleclick to cd fld taglistend ifend mouseUp</script>
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<name>Launch Browser</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal cpathif cpath = "" thenanswer "There is either no current file or the current file is not saved. In these cases, this command will not work properly. What do you do:" with "Cancel" or "Save" or "Open"if it = "cancel" thenexit mouseupelse if it = "Save" thensend mouseup to cd btn "Save this File"else if it = "Open" thensend mouseup to cd btn "Open text file…"end ifend ifif cpath = "" then exit mouseUpif fileIsntSaved () thenanswer "The file you are working on isn't saved. You will not see the latest version in the browser when this is the case. What do you do:" with "Cancel" or "Continue" or "Save"if it = Cancel thenexit mouseupelse if it = Save thensend mouseup to cd btn "Save this File"end ifend ifif there is not a file (me) thenfindbrowserend ifif me = empty thenfindbrowserend ifopen cpath with (me)if the result is not empty then answer "Sorry, but that didn't work:"&&the resultend mouseUpon findbrowseranswer file "Where is a browser?" of type applicationif the result = cancel then exit to hypercardput it into meend findbrowser</script>
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<script>on mouseupglobal cpathif checkf () = 0 then exit mouseUpput word 2 of the selectedline of me into ICput line IC of cd fld paths into cpathopend cpathend mouseUpon mousestilldownianswer "Do you wish to delete"&&the selectedtext of me&"?" with "And Down" or "Yes" or "No"if it = "yes" thendelete the selectedline of medelete line (word 2 of the selectedline of me) of cd fld pathselse if it = "And Down" thenput word 2 of the selectedline of me into CZput the number of lines in me into CZ2repeat with i = cz2 down to czdelete line i of medelete line i of cd fld pathsend repeatend ifend mousestilldownion mousedownif the optionkey is down thenselect the clicklinesend mousestilldowni to meend ifend mousedownon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(122,122)end mouseEnter</script>
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<script>-- on mousestilldown-- put the loc of me into a-- put the mouseh into item 1 of a-- set the loc of me to a-- end mousestilldown</script>
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<script>on mouseUpglobal undoinfo,undostuffif undoinfo = "" thendomenu "Undo"elsedo "put undostuff into cd fld"&&item 1 of undoinfo&&"of cd"&&item 2 of undoinfoend ifend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseDownglobal CPathset hilite of me to trueput "New File…/N,Open Text File…/O,Save this File/S,Close this File/W,Save as…/…,Change Name/J,Revert,(-,Print All/P,Print Plain Text,(-,File Manager/M,Launch Browser/L" into choices-- lastItem is negative so that there is no check markput HPopUpMenu(choices,, bottom of me+1, left of me) into menset hilite of me to false-- check for errorsif the result is not empty then put the resultif item 1 of men is not empty thenif item 1 of men = "File Manager" thengo to cd FMelse if item 1 of men = "Print All" thenprintitelse if item 1 of men = "Print Plain Text" thenput cd fld main into buffrepeat until offset ("<",buff) = 0delete char (offset ("<",buff)) to (offset (">",buff)) of buffend repeatprint buffelse if item 1 of men = "Revert" thenanswer "Are you sure you want to delete all changes to this file "&¬"since your last save?" with "Cancel" or "OK"if it = "OK" thenput CPath into filif there is not a file fil thenanswer "No such file!"&return"e&fil"eexit to Hypercardend ifgo to cd "ME"open file cpathread from file cpath until eofput it into cd fld mainclose file cpath-- put cpath&return before the first line of cd fld paths-- set the itemdelimiter to colon-- put the last item of cpath&return into Japl2-- put 1 into d-- repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in cd fld files-- if line i of cd fld files = Japl2 then-- put 0 into d-- end if-- end repeat-- if d = 1 then put Japl2 before the first line of cd fld files-- set the itemdelimiter to colon-- select line 1 of cd fld files-- repeat with i = 2 to the number of lines of cd fld files-- if line i of cd fld files = the last item of cpath then-- delete line i of cd fld files-- delete line i of cd fld paths-- subtract 1 from i-- end if-- end repeat-- set the itemdelimiter to comma-- put the first line of cd fld files into cd fld title-- set the width of cd fld title to strwidth(cd fld title) + 10-- set the scroll of cd fld main to 0put cd fld main into cd fld checkersend ifelseput item 1 of it into lastItem -- returned item namesend mouseup to cd btn (item 1 of men) -- change button nameend ifend ifend mouseDownon mouseenterballoonhelp "This is the file menu. See the help if it doesn't work. The file commands should be clear. Launch browser launches the browser of your choice with the currently open web page."end mouseenteron printitprint cd fld main of cd 1end printit</script>
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<script>on mouseDownset hilite of me to trueput "Undo/Z,(-,Define Tag/D,Extra Controls/E,(-,Find or Replace/F" into choices-- lastItem is negative so that there is no check markput HPopUpMenu(choices,, bottom of me+1, left of me) into menset hilite of me to false-- check for errorsif the result is not empty then put "result:"&&the resultif item 3 of men = "" thenexit mousedownelse if item 1 of men = "Define Tag" thensend mouseup to cd btn "Define MM/Tag"else if item 1 of men = "Select All" thencommandkeydown "A"elsesend mouseup to cd btn (item 1 of men)end ifend mouseDownon mouseEnterballoonHelp "This is the edit menu. Please see the help for information on seperate items, and if this doesn't work."end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>Change Name</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal cpathset the itemdelimiter to ":"Ask "What would you like to change the name of this file to?" with the last item of cpathif the result = cancel thenset the itemdelimiter to commaexit mouseupelsefullRename cpath,itif the result <> empty thenanswer the resultexit mouseupend ifput it into the last item of cpathset the itemdelimiter to commaend ifdelete line 1 of cd fld filesdelete line 1 of cd fld pathsopend cpathend mouseUp</script>
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<name>Recent Files</name>
<script>on mousedownset hilite of me to true-- repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in cd fld files-- put line i of cd fld files into item i of choices-- end repeat-- if choices = "" or choices = "choices" then-- put "<no recent files>" into choices-- end ifput HPopUpMenu(cd fld files,0, bottom of me+1, left of me) into menset hilite of me to falseset the itemdelimiter to comma-- check for errorsif the result is not empty then put "result:"&&the resultif choice Γëá "<no recent files>" thenif item 3 of men Γëá empty thenselect line (item 3 of men) of cd fld filessend mousedoubleclick to cd fld filesend ifend ifend mousedownon mouseEnterballoonHelp "This, the recent files menu, shows the same information as in the recent files field, for people more comfortable with menus."end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on mouseUpanswer "This isn't available until you've registered. Would you like"&¬" more information on registration?" with "Not Yet" or "Registration"if it = "Registration" thengo to cd id 5257end ifend mouseUpon mouseEnterballoonHelp "This is the developers' menu. It lists all the XCMDs and XFNCs available, and gives access to the script of every button in the main editor."end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on mouseUplock screengo to card Help--addcolor colorcard,dissolveend mouseUpon mouseEnterballoonHelp "This, which is not a menu but a normal button, takes you to extensive help and some credits."end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on mouseUpif the hilite of me = false thenaddcolor removeelseaddcolor installcolormeend ifend mouseUpon mouseEnterBalloonHelp HelpText(119,119)end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>By Name</name>
<script>on mouseUpend mouseUpon mouseEnterballoonhelp "When this option is selected you will select tags from a list of their names."end mouseEnter</script>
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<name>By Tag</name>
<script>on mouseUpend mouseUpon mouseEnterballoonhelp "When this option is selected, you will select tags from a list showing the tags themselves."end mouseEnter</script>
<script>on mouseUpgo to card id 5257end mouseUp</script>
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